Tag: Flood

Stories to Tell

Stories to Tell
I'm sure everyone was pleased to see the sun today instead of the overcast skies we seem to have been cursed with this summer.  I can say for sure the weeds are sure liking all this rain and humidity … continue reading

Begging for a Bulldozer

Begging for a Bulldozer
Upon hearing we're supposed to be getting more rain these next days, I've grown all the more concerned about many of our City's homeowners.  There've been all the more unfortunate stories told about … continue reading

Backpack Sundays

Backpack Sundays
I'm pretty happy this hellacious weekend is finally coming to an end.  That rainstorm we had yesterday and the one two days before that, was enough to make just about anyone want to got out and spit … continue reading

Carefully Planned

Carefully Planned
A big part of my morning was spent showing a home along with running a few errands.  I couldn't believe how some dwellings still have water standing in their back yards.  Just today a gentleman "in … continue reading

Doing is Beginning

Doing is Beginning
Well, another first happened today.  In all my years of living in our fair City, I've never ever seen so much rain in a 24 hour period.  Everyone said it was a lesser amount than the Flood of 2008, … continue reading

Serious Kicking Back

Serious Kicking Back
While on the phone late this morning with one of my out of State customers,  I dramatically interjected by exclaiming, "We're having the very first delightful day of Spring in North Iowa, because the … continue reading