Tag: Globe Gazette

Every Publisher Would Likely Axe It

Every Publisher Would Likely Axe It
The rain we received last evening was definitely a welcome arrival, so hopefully the predicted rain for tomorrow will also become a reality. While I was north of our city yesterday, I happened to noti … continue reading

Walking Down A Bitter-Sweet Lane

Walking Down A Bitter-Sweet Lane
For whatever reason, I was wide-awake about an hour earlier than normal, so instead of trying to convince myself to go back to sleep, I slid out of bed and went about my normal morning routine and the … continue reading

Accompanying Some Timid Voices

Accompanying Some Timid Voices
My goodness! What an about-face we had with our weather today. By mid-afternoon it was showing our outdoor temperature at a whopping 68 degrees. It's quite amazing how after global warming kicked in, … continue reading

A Drop-Dead Time Frame

A Drop-Dead Time Frame
Oh my goodness, how the biting-cold was creeping into every crack and crevice early this morning, and truth be told, my vehicle didn't get fully warmed-up before I arrived at office, but on the positi … continue reading

It Sickens Me At Times

It Sickens Me At Times
Today was just a spill-over from yesterday with additional clean-up after our snowplows left piles at driveways and curbside entrances. I was hoping to see some sunshine, but that never happened, but … continue reading

A Heaping Teaspoon Of Love

A Heaping Teaspoon Of Love
Our early morning temps were a little on the biting side, but once the sun was overhead, they were back up and melting our recent snow. Unfortunately, there are some back alleys which I wouldn't dare … continue reading

How Much I Admired Her Honesty

How Much I Admired Her Honesty
Nearly our entire day was cold and heavily overcast which wasn't pleasant whenever I was outdoors. With our days growing ever-shorter, I'm back in the swing of going to work in the dark, and returning … continue reading

They’re Big Babies

They’re Big Babies
While driving to work early this morning, I couldn't help thinking about what our landscape is going to look like come early tomorrow when knowing nearly for certain, we're going to be down to 30 degr … continue reading

A Derecho Following Behind

A Derecho Following Behind
For it being the Tuesday after a holiday, there wasn't that much activity going on in the real estate world here in North Iowa, which was fine by me because I had enough to keep me busy the entire day … continue reading

A Down-Hill Slide

A Down-Hill Slide
Well, as much as we were enjoying the wind-less and mild days, it all had to come to an end when the high temps accompanied by wind arrived. I'd say it wasn't fit for anyone to be out in the sun for a … continue reading