When One Door Closes

Oh what a wonderful day it turned out to be with our temps finally getting about freezing, and glad for it because I was out of office more than in most of the day. It ended up being so much of a whirlwind, I had to stop and remind myself before heading home, of everywhere I’d been and what had been done.

After getting all my real estate related work completed, I grabbed a folder of music and headed over to the church I’ll be playing for, just so I could get myself more comfortable with their organ and grand piano. There just so happens to be a jazzy piece I’m on a burn to get learned before I go live. Yes, being called and subsequently challenged to become more proficient, does get a little nerve racking at times.

Yesterday I received a surprise phone call from the music director of another very large congregation in our city, asking if I’d be willing to play for them the second Sunday in February, and since I’m familiar enough with their music, I agreed to fill that slot. My goodness! I’ll have to see it to believe it because that particular church has a massive pipe organ which is regularly used, and to think I’ve now been given an opportunity to play it. I can only imagine what some of their regulars whom I know, are going to say if they happen to turn around and see me playing that Sunday. I’ll now have to make an appointment to go over and familiarize myself with that grand instrument. I’ve just now remembered what I said to the Pastor over at St. Paul Lutheran after I’d finished playing my final Sunday over there which was, “We must always remember that when one door closes, there’s usually another than opens.” Wow! It now appears more than one door has opened.

We’ve been getting a great deal of activity on 418 -23rd St. SW these recent days, but I sure wish we’d have more interest in my two listings located at 933 N. Polk here in Mason City, and 113 N. Hawkeye in Nora Springs because the both of them have been under the radar far too long. I’m hoping and praying our general public’s anxieties will start settling down, just so we can get a few more homes sold. In spite of whatever’s ahead, everyone has to have a place to live. Right?

My two out-of-town relatives called just before lunch asking if I’d be willing to meet them for lunch at LD’s, and as chance would have it, I had that time slot available, so off I went.

It was good seeing them because it’s been at least four months since we’ve hooked-up, and you can be sure we had much news about other relatives to share, and since we were also talking about those who’d already passed, I suggested they go out and find the book ‘The Soul’s Code’ and give it a good read, just so they’d be more up to speed with understanding the dynamics of inter-family relationships. Unfortunately, too many families are in denial over chronic issues which continue to fester until there’s a blow-up, and by then, it’s too late because deep hurts never completely heal, and definitely not forgotten. Yes, my lunch with them ended up being the highlight of my day.

My long-time friend from out east whom I’d not spoken with in weeks, called today asking how things have been with me since we last spoke. Of course I didn’t have anything spectacular to tell, so we ended up talking about politics, AI, alien beings visiting earth, and of course our gardening plans for this coming Spring. There are times when I’ve wished for a very private rural setting like my friend has, which offers an every-day communion with Nature.

Tonight’s One-liner is: Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.

Related Property:
418 23rd SW Mason City 933 N. Polk Avenue Mason City 113 N. Hawkeye, Nora Springs
Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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