That minus fourteen degrees this morning was enough to send shivers up the spine of even the most seasoned of outdoorsmen. Those familiar moans and groans coming from my vehicle definitely resurrected some chilling memories. Let’s hope this is the last polar vortex for the winter. Yes, the last one just skimmed past us and went south, but this one hit us head-on.
Of course another call came in early this morning regarding a furnace that had gone out, so that had me occupied part of the morning, but at least they got it up and running after having to replace several parts, and yes, one of them was the electronic circuit board that had gone bad which I earlier discovered to be common with our newer furnaces. Oh how I really don’t like the concept of corporate’s planned obsolescence. Anything to make an extra buck. Right?
My meeting with the pastor of that church went relatively well, but unfortunately I wasn’t able to spend any amount of time practicing on their massive electronic organ, because I was getting time-sensitive text messages and phone calls while I was there. As of now, I’m scheduled to play for them this coming Sunday, along with a number of new pieces of music I’ve got to get learned beforehand. That church definitely has some of the most beautiful stained glass windows.
Our final walk-thru went well on the home we closed mid-afternoon today, which will in time, be a good long-term investment for those buyers. I still can’t believe they ended up getting it purchased for, but it all must’ve been meant to be. There’s one room in the home which I would fully enjoy because it has a huge bank of windows facing a large fenced-in rear yard that can’t be seen from the street which’ll creates more privacy for the owners.
The remainder of my afternoon was spent working on the file of my recent sale, and luckily the owner knew exactly where his abstract was, so he made a point to drop it off, and for whatever reason, we ended up on the subject of haunted houses. Of course when you get me started on the subject, I usually end up sharing more than one of my experiences, and because he was definitely interested in hearing about them, I must’ve talked about at least five. My gosh! I soon-after realized I’ve had a remarkable number of hair-raising experiences over these many years.
Regardless what anyone else thinks, I ended up becoming a true believer in the power of forces beyond our understanding. My end conclusion about it all, is that there are spirits, entities, ghosts or whatever you’d want to call them which possess enough energy to step thru that barrier between life and death, and I believe there are certain sites which contain portholes for easy access to the world in which we live. I’m convinced the American Indians of the past, had a far better understanding of such workings, but of course only in my opinion.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it.