It was a cold and wet one out this morning, but at least it was a light rain/mist instead of snow. We may be dodging the bullet on another cold front moving in, which is dropping down from the Arctic, and hopefully it does miss us because I just today received the utility bill for my office, and when looking at it, a jaw-drop ensued. Just for the record, that was the highest monthly gas and electric bill I’d been hit with in the fourteen years Holtz Realty’s been located in that office. Oh how I do dislike having to be plugged into Alliant Energy’s higher than normal rates.
Most of my morning was taken up with yet another showing of my condo listing over at Prairie Place on 1st which also turned out to be of interest to the buyers, so as of right now, I have five various buyers circling that unit, so hopefully one of them will come in for a landing. I did have a nice chat with several of the unit owners before the buyers arrived, which is always a good thing because I do like to stay plugged-in with the happenings in their lives.
With it being the first days of the month, I was getting the normal above-average number of visitors, and unfortunately those people would arrive while I was on the phone with either a client or customer, so of course I had to then cut those conversations short, just to keep those drop-ins happy.
I already have an appointment scheduled for Saturday afternoon to show a past client a home who’s being the eyes and ears for a close relative who’s planning on moving back here from one of our western States. That particular past client was one of the first of a handful of buyers I worked with way back when I first started selling real estate. While in conversation with her, I couldn’t help asking, “Where have all those years gone?”
Since this past weekend’s buyer was over-bid on an offer he submitted, we’re back at the drawing board, and as of now, I have an appointment to show him another home tomorrow that’s been under the radar for far too long, so hopefully he’ll like it enough to make an offer on it. I think with all this craziness going on in our Federal Government, people are starting to act like pandemic buyers who were hell-bent on getting a home purchased, just so they’d feel like they had control of something. Wish me luck.
When reading various articles on the news this morning, I wasn’t surprised to find the citizens and government of Canada kicking back on our POTUS’s tariffs, which I later found he’d postponed the implementation of both Mexico’s and Canada’s for 30 days. You’d think most Democratic countries who’re neighbors, would work very hard at getting along instead of intentionally finding ways to pick fights. Are these things being done for attention, or are they being created as distractions?
Another article talked about the need for our democratic countries to unite and focus more on keeping that autocratic axis containing China, North Korea, Iran and Russia, from undermining the economies and governments of freedom-loving people, because they’re definitely doing everything they can to create division and subsequent weakness in those government bodies with all their fake news feeds. Yes, it seems everyone’s out looking to pick a fight.
Over the weekend, I happened to hear where Elon Musk’s Teslas are rapidly dropping in popularity both here in the United States, as well as in various European countries. I figured there was a hidden agenda when hearing he’d stepped up to the plate and spent over 200 million dollars to get our POTUS elected. Most don’t realize how closely the goings on in our country are being watched by the rest of the world, and especially by the Europeans.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Real firmness is good for anything; strut is good for nothing.