Enriching Experience For Me

This morning’s light fog once again reminded me of the wintertime fog much of Northern Europe receives, and especially in the cities and towns which are located near bodies of water. Can you imagine what it must’ve been like living in those communities before the electric bulb was invented, and even more so, father back in time prior to the Industrial Revolution. Back in those dark days and nights, they must’ve been feeling their way around more than looking.

I had a nice chat with my dear friend regarding the recent happenings in our Federal Government, and mostly regarding the tariffs that were placed on Canada and Mexico which will most certainly cause the prices to go up on goods imported from those countries. It came as absolutely no surprise both countries turned around and slapped tariffs on the United States. We both agreed that people had better start learning how to grow their own fruits and vegetables, buy freezers, along with learning how to pressure can their home grown produce. We also came to the conclusion it’s gonna continually get worse, because I just heard today where a car manufacturer that has factory in Canada and the United States, having announced they’re gonna stop production in both factories due to this tariff war, which only makes sense because they’d end up being double taxed. After hanging up from my friend, and before heading over to First Presbyterian Church, I sat down at my piano and ran thru the music I was to play, just so I’d be a little refreshed before I arrived.

As far as my playing went this morning, it went pretty well with the exception of the Pastor deciding to have their congregation sing that jazzy Gloria ‘a cappella’, and only because I’d earlier admitted I wasn’t fully up to speed with it. Another glitch, which was my fault, was caused by yours truly not checking to see how many versus of the entrance hymn were in their music books, because silly me, used a copy of that hymn from the personal selection I’ve been collecting. As soon as I stopped playing after the fourth verse, I looked down and immediately knew there must’ve been another verse, so from here on out, I’ll be playing what’s in their book, or checking verses against what I have, just so there’s not another embarrassing moment like that again.

I couldn’t believe how many people came up to me after their Service to thank me for providing music for them, which happened to be far more than I’ve ever received from the various churches I’ve played for in the past Perhaps part of it is the fact that I’m more comfortable with their massive electronic organ, along with their grand piano which are both located in their choir loft.

Having forgotten to make copies of music for next week, I ran back and pulled what I needed and then made copies on their office copier, and as chance would have it, one of their elders was still seated in one of the pews, so I stopped and had a very nice chat with her over their delightful congregation, along with the remarkable beauty of First Presbyterian’s Church’s windows. She also mentioned her having for years been going to a Methodist church, but after attending just one of their Services, she decided to switch. I have this ‘feeling’ their membership is going to be increasing once the word gets out about how welcoming their community of faith is. Some may think I’m killing an entire Sunday morning playing for them, when in fact, it’s turning into yet another spiritually enriching experience for me.

After getting my music put away, I changed into my work clothes and headed over to my project where I worked at finishing up what I started yesterday, and thank goodness after today, I’ll no longer have to be crawling up and down a ladder because from here on out, everything I have left is reachable. Before leaving, I did a little walking around inspection of what I’d accomplished, which triggered a number of flash-backs of what it looked like before I began. Wow! If say ten years ago, I were casually asked to take on a project like that, I would’ve flatly said, “Absolutely not!” So much for saying, “Never” because in time that word could possibly turn into a “Sure, why not?”

Tonight’s One-liner is: I believe the first duty of society is justice.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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