We All Have Inferior Mindsets

Once I was settled-in at office this morning, I headed out front and began sweeping all the dirt and sand which had accumulated since the Kirk fire. Oh my goodness! There was far more sweeping to be done than I ever would’ve expected, and when getting a closer look at the windows of my office, I knew they’d have to get washed over the weekend, as I didn’t have time to do them today, and especially since I’d rather clean them very early in the morning when there aren’t as many ‘strollers’ out there. I was quite surprised the City street sweepers weren’t doing their part in getting the pavement cleaned, and especially since our illustrious Band Festival is starting tomorrow morning.

If I have time, I may take my camera and get some additional photos to share with all of you. But as I mentioned last evening, that parade is nothing like it was when I was in high school. I’m sure there’ll be a few believing me to be nothing but a paparazzi who’s looking for embarrassing moments which would later be plastered all over Facebook. I don’t think I’d be that wicked. Would I?

There were a number of errands I had to run this morning, and one of them was to head over to a flooring company and get some materials purchased for a project I’ve been working on. Luckily, I found what I wanted, got that purchase made, loaded and then delivered. So far, it’s not been the daunting project I finished up several months ago, and likely because I’d already done a great deal of grunt-work whenever time allowed, which is now help to speed up the process.

By the time I got back to office, it was approaching Noon, so I headed for the refrigerator and fixed myself a small doctored-up turkey sandwich on rye, accompanied by two slices of my home-canned kosher dill pickles. It was actually just enough to hold me over until my evening meal. Those kosher dill pickles I made last fall from that bumper crop of cucumbers I’d grown, are going to last me for months on end. Yes, I believe they’re even better than what I’d find in the store, and only because they don’t have the after-taste I normally find.

I’d planned on showing one of my buyers a home tomorrow morning, but when I called the agent, I was alerted it had already gone under contract after receiving multiple offers.  There’s no question this impetuous pandemic buying is just about as strong as it was back when it started, and still no end in sight, which means there’s gonna be all the more sorry souls wishing they’d not allowed themselves to get caught up in their panic buying.

With all my office duties taken care of, I headed out to get my weekend mowing done, just so I’ll be able fully focus on my other outdoor projects over this long weekend. As my dear friend recently said, which is true, “We only have three months of summer.”, which leaves only a small window of time to get our outside work done before we have to start worrying about bad weather again.

One of my customers stopped by for a visit today, and since I think the world of him and his young family, I went to the back of my office and returned with that porcelain piece I was gifted last week in hand, just to see if he’d be interested in it. Thank goodness he said he’d take it because he believed his wife would like it, so hopefully it’s found a new home where it’ll be appreciated. Shortly after he left, I happened to notice a mid-century framed print I was hanging onto for whatever reason, which I’ll be offering to him the next time he arrives, and only because I believe his young son would like to have it hanging in his bedroom. Isn’t it fun when you have these little Divine inspirations for re-gifting and/or re-purposing things we’ve allowed to clutter-up our lives, and in the end, everyone’s all the happier?

While I was over at the bank this afternoon, I got a little sassy when asking the tellers if they were planning on taking rides on those rickety old circus rides, along with stopping down to Central Park where there were already a number of tents up where they were getting ready to start selling all that ‘carnie’ junk. I had to laugh when getting an emphatic “No” out of the group. I then added, “Good thinking because I’m staying far and away as well.” I dared not mention what I’d already seen being unloaded from the back hatches of those vendors’ vehicles. Can’t our City and Chamber of Commerce raise their sights and finally understand the difference between tacky and tasteful? Oh, I can imagine all the trash that’ll be strewn about. And while on the subject, I do wish those people in the parade, would stop throwing candy to the crowd, where a quarter of it ends up on the streets and curbsides. Yeah! Let’s git-er-done with loading up our young ones with all the more candy their bodies don’t need.

If there’s one thing I’d say is enjoyable about our Band Festival Parade, is seeing the horses and riders who’re usually at the tail end. Hey! I have an idea. Why don’t our Band Festival planners see if they can get both the Wells Fargo stagecoach group to come, as well as the Budweiser Clydesdales to show up with their rig? Having the both of them together, would certainly be a show-stopper. Oh darn. I keep forgetting I’m a native who’s not to be listened to, because we all have inferior mindsets. Silly me.

For whatever reason, I’ve been noticing a great deal of our general public who’ve been walking around lately, in possession of some serious posture issues, which I’m finding quite troubling because I’m seeing it in all the age brackets. Another annoying sight that’s become commonplace, is seeing all these men walking around with their hands deep in their pockets, which was always a definite no-no back when I was in school, and likely why I continue to find inappropriate. Oh if my mother were still alive, she’d have her own brittle comments over that dirty habit.

Tonight’s One-liner is: An iron-clad memory is the treasury and guardian of all things.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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