Properly Direct The Burning

The heat we’ve been having these recent days is definitely abnormal for this time of year, and it looks like it’ll be continuing on into next week, but at least the late vegetable crops people have been growing will reach full maturity before the killing frost arrives.

Most of my morning was spent working on files and putting out a few ‘fires’ with some of my clients and customers, and thankfully they were all able to see reason in the end, which in these times, is saying a great deal. But, there was one who’s well past retirement age who just can’t seem to find anything pleasant to talk about and unfortunately, I was forced to listen to some of his tripe regarding all the so-called evils those belonging to the Democratic Party are carrying out on a daily basis. If I hadn’t known that he’s an exceptionally gifted person in his line of work, I could’ve sworn he was another one of those weak-minded individuals who believes everything he sees and hears on those off-beat social media news feeds. I guess I should’ve been named Thomas instead of Joseph because I’m one who’s very hard to convince, especially if it’s something outlandish.

I did spend a good hour watching a video which was being presented by a nutritionalist who was talking about how so many people really don’t know how to balance their diets, and especially how little they’re paying attention to the amount of protein they should be consuming on a daily basis. I had to smile when he talked about how the ‘old ones’ in his family would always have slices of cheese with any sort of dessert consisting of either pie or cake. More than once my dear grandmother used to say whenever she’d have fresh apple pie with side dish containing slices of a sharp cheddar cheese, “Apple pie without cheese, is like a kiss without a squeeze.” Too funny! Yes, many of the old ones knew more about balanced nutrition than we could ever imagine.

He also mentioned that if a person were going to have ice cream, it would be best to eat a handful of unsalted nuts like peanuts, cashews or almonds, because the protein in them would help to properly direct the burning of the carbs in the ice cream. He was definitely pushing the use of peanut butter which I consume on occasion, but the only brand I buy is Smucker’s because it doesn’t have any added sugar, and if you don’t believe me, look at the ingredients of every other name brand of peanut butter and you’ll see for yourselves.

By the time that video was over, I was all the more convinced the bulk of Americans are hooked on salt and the many forms of processed sugars, and I can assure you, getting completely off the burning desire to have an abundance of sugar and salt, is a daunting task, and only because our bodies have grown accustomed to the amount we take in on a daily basis, which is no wonder why there are so many more people coming down with diabetes and heart disease. Considering how overweight all the many in our general public are, it comes as no surprise.

I did another little paying it forward with a client who was in need of someone to get rid of a large pile of branches, so yours truly took the initiative to take several hours out of his day and get them loaded up and delivered out to the landfill. It all went as planned, but after I returned to office and while changing back into my work togs, I discovered I’d been bitten twice by a flea or two. Ugh! At least I still have my handy tube of Benadryl which I smeared over them, just to keep from itching my brains out. Most people don’t realize that squirrels are lousy with fleas during the warm months, and I’m sure the one that bit me, came off of a squirrel.

One of my friends mentioned today that they’re predicting a hard winter, which came as a bit of a surprise because I mentioned to a colleague just two days ago that I’ve been have this ‘feeling’ we’re gonna get pounded this winter, and likely because we had one of the mildest this past. Considering how much warmer our average temps are getting, I’ll not be surprised if we have a number of days of that wicked sleet.

My long-time friend asked me several months ago if I’d had Tillamook cheese because I was raving over their ice cream. Well, as chance would have it, Fareway is now selling it, so I purchase a package of sliced Swiss, and after opening it and getting a good taste, he was definitely correct. My goodness! That company deserves blue ribbons for their cheeses and ice cream. If you have a chance, give their brand a try.

Tonight’s One-liner is: Evil is the product of the ability of humans to make abstract that which is concrete.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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