Those Who Were Womansplaining

This sudden drop in our temps had me wondering why I didn’t wear one of my woolies, but since I didn’t have to be outdoors much today, I managed to endure it. From the sounds of it, our weekend is gonna be similar, so be sure to bundle up because these swings in temperatures is a recipe for catching a cold or the flu.

Having not spoken to my suffering past client since earlier this week, I did finally manage to get in touch with her, and exceptionally glad she’s getting herself back on track, and the funniest thing, was her having stopped by my office to see me during the fifteen minutes I was gone this morning, and since I’d earlier left a message asking how things were, she later called back, and the moment she spoke, I could tell in her voice, things are slowly getting better for her.

She’s got an uphill climb ahead of her, but at least she’s not filled with the great fears she was saddled with earlier, so after giving her a few more directions, a heap of reassuring words, along with a recommendation or two, I hung up the phone feeling much better about her trials. I’m staying hopeful that the little prayers I’ve been saying for her, has also been helping. Once she’s back in the saddle, I’ll be making her day when telling her that I managed to register a web address using her exceptionally unusual first name, which is very catchy. If I were ever to open any sort of service-oriented business, I would definitely be using it. Yes, it’s that unique.

While out, I happened to run into the daughter of woman I recently sold a home to, which had me a little shocked because she was on my list to call, just to see how her mother’s move went, along with hearing how she likes living there, and from what was said, everything’s been good. Of course she did have to tease me about being right regarding the oak floors under her mother’s bedroom carpet, which was the first thing they ripped out, and those oak floors being as beautiful as I’d predicted. Without a doubt, that extended family has been the most loyal and faithful clients and customers over these many years. That unexpected encounter enabled me to chalk that late follow-up phone call off my list.

I happened to read something online which was so true to the point I’m now compelled to share it with you, so here it is:



1. They think that time will make you forget.

2. They think ignoring what they did, means it didn’t happen.

3. They believe whatever they did wrong, is ultimately your fault.

4. They don’t think you deserve one.

5. They have every intention of doing it again.


Ok, now just think about all the people who’ve purposely wronged you, having pretty much the same excuses, and as chance would have it, that text-a-thon I had last month, had similar words saying what that particular person did to me, was all my fault. Now how about that?

Yes, we can blame our corporate world, along with today’s style of parenting for the many more narcissists we have in our midst. Can you imagine how many helicoptering moms have, and still continuing encourage narcissism in their children. My gosh! Back when I was young, any time we were being scolded for something we did or didn’t do, it was always the mentality where you were guilty until proven innocent. Yes, it was definitely the rule of law in our home. As most of us know, it ain’t quite that way any longer.

Another word came into my vocabulary today when reading ‘mansplaining’ which I’d never seen or read before, so of course I had to look it up, and instead of me giving you the meaning, I’ll leave it to your own investigations. Of course wicked me, suddenly began wondering if there’s such a word as ‘womansplaining’, and sure enough, there’s a definition for it. I dare say over the years, I’ve been lectured a number of times by those who were womansplaining things which at the time, I felt to be totally uncalled for. Yes indeed, it can come from both sides of the aisles.

While showing a home to a young man this afternoon who’s from far out of our area, I was asked various questions about the ‘texture’ of our city, so I shared the good, the bad, and everything in between. Since he’s travels a great deal, I did mention how convenient it is having Interstate 35 close-by. I do hope he decides to take up residence here, because we need as many young-bloods as we can get in our declining-population community.

While driving thru our Crescent of Culture, I happened to notice something out of place in the side yard of a home, and when focusing in on it, I couldn’t believe there were six deer which were casually grazing on the half-dead grasses, and to the point where they acted as if they were out in the middle of a meadow. There’s no question we’ve had another population explosion of those deer. Wait until we have snow in the ground, because that’s when you’ll really be able to spot them. While driving on 19th SW yesterday, there lay a full grown doe at the side of the road. Yes, they’re everywhere.

Tonight’s One-liner is: Before you do me wrong, you’d better make sure you’ll never need me again.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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