You Have To Open A Box

I believe this sudden drop in temperatures affected me physiologically to where I over-slept by nearly an hour and a half this morning which was highly unusual, so if I needed that extra rest, then so it was.

Speaking of temps, it sounds like the forecast for Monday and Tuesday night has been changed to where we will likely get a light frost those two nights, and especially in the lowlands, so I’ll be picking what’s left in my garden, later tomorrow afternoon. I must say I’m very grateful my late garden managed to produce very good crops, and only because we didn’t get ‘frosted’ during the month of September.

Of course I’ll still be nurturing my carrots until right before a hard frost, and when I went to pick several of them today, there was one monster which was bigger around than a half dollar, I ended up breaking off about four inches above the root, so there’ll be no more trying to pull them out by hand and instead, I’ll be using a potato fork to get them out. There’s nothing better than organic home-grown carrots, and for whatever reason, I could almost make a meal out of them.

While in conversation with someone about a week ago, I had to insist that I never buy fresh carrots from the store, and only because they always have a slight moldy taste to them, which is why I never eat them from those vegetable trays which are usually served at gatherings. Aren’t I such a fussy eater?

I had an appointment to show two homes this morning, and unfortunately neither one of them fit their needs, so it looks like I’ll have to be doing some deep searching of our now growing number of listings, to find one that’ll be closer to what they’re looking for. Yes, after this morning’s showing, it’s becoming more evident that our market is turning into a buyer’s, which has not been the case since the pandemic arrived.

After my showings were finished, I changed my clothes and went out to work on some outdoor projects which turned into far more of a challenge than I was expecting, and so much so, I wasn’t even close to getting it finished, so if I don’t have any real estate appointments tomorrow, I’ll be back at it again. Most of the mess I created was my fault because for some reason, I just wouldn’t let it go, but hopefully after it’s completely finished and cleaned up, it should be good to go for a very long time. By the time I was finished, I felt as if I’d been ridden hard and put away wet. Gosh, I hope there’ll be a time when I finally come to the conclusion that I’m not twenty-something anymore.  Truth be told, the bulk of my project was a mess that a bubble-head created, and of course walked away from it.

While out working without any sort of interruptions, I found myself deep in thought over the many unfortunate happenings which had taken place over this past decade, and most of them were intentionally created to hurt me. Of course I managed to endure all those hateful episodes, which I’m sure gave those naughty minds all the more license to continue on while raising their bars of severity.

As I was running thru those troubling times in my mind, I suddenly had an inspiration to simply create an ancient mystical wooden box in my mind which’d be able to transcend time and space which I’d slowly open and out of it a translucent stream of light would begin circling above me which’d then break into smaller beams that would go flying in various directions. Now that was quite the vision I was having, and when it stopped, the only thing I could make of it, was that those beams of karma were likely sent out to settle all the many unnecessary heartaches which were purposely directed towards me, and believe me, there were more than most could ever imagine. Now isn’t it interesting how our imaginations can trigger near life-like visions which were likely created to help soothe aching souls/spirits? Yes, I felt as if I was given a breath of fresh air after it was all over, or perhaps it was more akin to a deep sigh of relief, so if you’ve come to a point in your lives where you feel you have to open a box, then do it!

When reading the news today, I was shocked to find where the Palestinians had launched a major attach on Israel which has now turned into an all-out war. Of course the ones to blame for supplying them with weapons, was that evil Iran which has vowed to destroy the State of Israel. What troubled me the most, was having read a very long time ago where if there’d be another brutal world war, it would be started with an attack on Israel. Yes, the numbers of evil leaders in our world has definitely grown to the point where you almost want to ask yourself, “Are there any good heads of State left in this world.”

Of course I had to read part of Putin’s recent speech which was completely upside-down regarding the war he started in Ukraine, to where I’m now near a hundred percent certain he’s both deranged, along with being a pathological liar.

I was filled with hope when reading about the President of Czech Republic’s speech he’d recently given at a meeting with a number of world leaders, and everything he said was spot-on. Knowing he grew up under the yoke of the Russian Communists, he definitely knows first-hand what it’s like to survice under a dictatorship. I was exceptionally happy he managed to get himself elected over that Putin-leaning puppet who had all the markings of a dictator’s minion.

As a diversion today, I went out and picked up about six pails full of walnuts, and as chance would have it, there was a tree which was dropping its golden nuts which were shaped more like lemons than round walnuts, which piqued my interest, so we’ll see.

Tonight’s One-liner is: When people tell you they got rich thru hard work, ask them: ‘Whose?’

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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