Tag: Thanksgiving

Day Of Thanks And Giving

Day Of Thanks And Giving
It definitely felt like a winter day without the snow, and between the dark gray skies and bone-chilling wind, I made sure I was dressed appropriately for the day ahead. Several days ago, one of my … continue reading

For The Right Reasons

For The Right Reasons
Just about every way I looked at it, this Thanksgiving of 2023 ended up being one of the best ever for me, and mostly because I was free to do just about anything I wanted on this chilly, but bright a … continue reading

A Dark Side To Gifting

A Dark Side To Gifting
It was another smiling sunny day today, but since it's the day before a holiday, there were two occasions where I was almost in an accident, and both times it was someone changing lanes and not paying … continue reading

Deeper Understanding of Giving Thanks

Deeper Understanding of Giving Thanks
When I headed outdoors early this morning, my breath was nearly taken away by the cold, and in spite my knowing it was predicted, my first experience of the season was remarkable. While writing an ema … continue reading

She Continued to Remain Resolute

She Continued to Remain Resolute
As I expected, today was one of those yo-yo days were I was continually working at something associated with the five files which we've had scheduled to close this week. Fortunately we managed to get … continue reading

Boutique News Services

Boutique News Services
It wasn't the most pleasant of days to celebrate Thanksgiving, but at least we didn't have freezing cold or snow. I'm now wondering if our temps have been above average so far this month, and if they … continue reading

Jewish Lineage

Jewish Lineage
Believe it or not, I didn't make any personal stops at stores today since I definitely had no interest in battling crowds for something I really didn't need.  The traffic was pretty heavy which came … continue reading

Thanksgiving Day of 2018

Thanksgiving Day of 2018
It wasn't the best of Thanksgiving mornings with such gray skies, but just as the sun was beginning to set, the cloud cover cleared off, so hopefully we'll have a sunny day tomorrow for all the many B … continue reading

Clipping Along

Clipping Along
Having taken the day off from real estate, I dug myself into things needing my attention before the hard frost arrives.  Today especially, I couldn't believe how quickly the hours passed, so I guess … continue reading