Tag: Republicans

Crossword Puzzles And Online Quizzes

Crossword Puzzles And Online Quizzes
With it being the last day of the month, it was definitely a busy one with the drop-ins, phone calls and text messages. One of today's visitors asked how my day was going and my reply being, “It's b … continue reading

History Does Repeat Itself

History Does Repeat Itself
While driving to work early this morning with that misty-rain coming down and our outside temps hovering around freezing, I made sure I was all the more careful, and only because the streets were stil … continue reading

Gut-wrenching Days

Gut-wrenching Days
Another pleasant winter day arrived with our temps hovering around the freezing mark, and luckily I did manage to get to my office early enough so I could spend time researching the two properties I h … continue reading