Tag: Pretzelmaker

A Curious Jumble Of Lines

A Curious Jumble Of Lines
My morning drop-offs of excess cucumbers were all well-received, and in spite of being thanked copiously, the receivers had absolutely no idea how thankful I was for them taking them instead of having … continue reading

1165 Hwy 9

1165 Hwy 9
On my way to office, I decided to stop at a convenience store and purchase a small cup of coffee, and a good thing I did because I was expecting to have a well-planned day, but soon after, it turned i … continue reading

A Ragged Prehistoric Look

A Ragged Prehistoric Look
It was another very early morning to office again, and only because I had an exceptional amount of desk work to get completed on three closings which are coming up within these next seven days. More a … continue reading