Tag: North Iowa

A November To Remember

A November To Remember
The return of these driving to work in the dark mornings, is but one more reason I hate short days and long nights, and especially when finding it usually dark by the time I arrive home which makes ma … continue reading

Personal Space Bubble

Personal Space Bubble
The warmer weather has returned once again, and it became quite surprising when seeing our downtown temps having exceeded 80 degrees today. For whatever reason, the gnats weren't as bad as they've nor … continue reading

Eyebrow-Raising Habits

Eyebrow-Raising Habits
Another early December day arrived with a few snow flurries, bone-chilling dampness and overcast skies, but at least the snow stayed east of us. Yes, we need the insulating snow once our temps start d … continue reading

Llama Herd In North Iowa

Llama Herd In North Iowa
My goodness, today's wind gusts were enough to keep just about anyone from venturing outdoors. These many days of strong wind are certainly another by-product of global warming, and just last night, I … continue reading

A Killing Winter For North Iowans

A Killing Winter For North Iowans
Our morning started out with a bit of a drizzle, and then remained overcast nearly all day with the exception of a few sun-breaks. I'm definitely not looking forward to the snowstorm headed our way, b … continue reading

Several Character-Ugly People

Several Character-Ugly People
In spite of it being a National holiday, I managed to keep myself busied with real estate work nearly the entire day. I thought for sure it was going to be slow, so I pretty much had my mind set on cr … continue reading

The Nearest Ever-Hungry Juvenile

The Nearest Ever-Hungry Juvenile
I was expecting it to be above freezing when I headed off to work early this morning, but unfortunately those temps didn't arrive until much later, but at least the cold wasn't bitter. Some had mentio … continue reading

Cozying Up To Our Lonely Elderly

Cozying Up To Our Lonely Elderly
I wasn't the least bit happy when reading this morning about the bitterly cold temps we have in store for us starting on Thursday. I've lived thru those bitterly cold days in the past, and distinctly … continue reading

How Much I Admired Her Honesty

How Much I Admired Her Honesty
Nearly our entire day was cold and heavily overcast which wasn't pleasant whenever I was outdoors. With our days growing ever-shorter, I'm back in the swing of going to work in the dark, and returning … continue reading

Giving Iowa The Middle Finger

Giving Iowa The Middle Finger
Nearly all of our day was cloudy and cold until it approached quitting time, and then the sun came out, which didn't last but a couple of hours due to our days growing all the shorter. Just think, in … continue reading