Tag: Iowa

Storm Clouds On The Horizon

Storm Clouds On The Horizon
Our warm weather today was a welcome relief from this recent cold spell, but as always at this time of year, we must take every advantage of them because they're usually short-lived, so likely tomorro … continue reading

Spread Fantasies In Their Factories

Spread Fantasies In Their Factories
After my early morning showing having gone well, I headed back to office to get back to sorting, logging and journaling information for my yearly taxes, and by the time Noon arrived, I gave myself a g … continue reading

Crossword Puzzles And Online Quizzes

Crossword Puzzles And Online Quizzes
With it being the last day of the month, it was definitely a busy one with the drop-ins, phone calls and text messages. One of today's visitors asked how my day was going and my reply being, “It's b … continue reading

The Peeps Are Back

The Peeps Are Back
Today's cold and high humidity was definitely going to the bone, which is why I stayed indoors as much as possible. It'll be interesting to see how much snow we actually get from the storm that's movi … continue reading

Easily Pass As Ted Cassidy’s Grandson

Easily Pass As Ted Cassidy’s Grandson
I was happy to see we didn't get much snow in the night, but oh Nellie, it sure was a cold one today with that biting-cold wind coming out of the north. It doesn't appear we're out of the grips of win … continue reading

A Mid-Winter Drive Down to Keokuk

A Mid-Winter Drive Down to Keokuk
With it being the first business day of our new year, I dare say it ended up being quite the emotional roller-coaster, and it all began when having read and email that had come in over the night. Of c … continue reading

A Coffee Table Picture Book

A Coffee Table Picture Book
That unexpected thunderstorm we had which started before 5:00 am this morning, definitely came as a shock because no longer than two days ago, the meteorologists were saying there'd be clear skies for … continue reading

Lost Souls Lingering Within

Lost Souls Lingering Within
Today's wind was strong enough to keep everyone driven back indoors unless they absolutely had to be out in it. I can definitely say my fingers were like icicles by the time I finished filling up the … continue reading

The Definition Of Integrity

The Definition Of Integrity
Another chilly day came and went, and in spite of the sun's warming rays having arrived this afternoon, that biting north wind made sure the its warmth wouldn't be felt. At least the streets and sidew … continue reading

Several Character-Ugly People

Several Character-Ugly People
In spite of it being a National holiday, I managed to keep myself busied with real estate work nearly the entire day. I thought for sure it was going to be slow, so I pretty much had my mind set on cr … continue reading