Tag: Contractors

Heavy On Our Hands

Heavy On Our Hands
All I can say, this was definitely a Friday to remember with all the calls, drop-ins and appointments I had both in and outside my office, but thankfully the weather was pleasant, and so much so, I di … continue reading

Watching Various Train Wrecks

Watching Various Train Wrecks
In spite of it being a foggy, damp and cold morning, the hoarfrost covering the trees, bushes and rooftops was definitely a spirit-lifter, because it's always been one of my very few 'likes' about win … continue reading

They Quietly Become Expendable

They Quietly Become Expendable
Considering how much I had to be out and about today with various duties, I was ever-glad to find our temps hovering around 53 degrees in our city for most of the afternoon, but once the sun started f … continue reading

The Veil Is Very Thin

The Veil Is Very Thin
I dare say this month has definitely been far cooler than normal, and you can be sure I'm enjoying every moment of it. Truth be told, there were only two or three days thus far this season where it wa … continue reading

224 W. Spring Street Re-visited

224 W. Spring Street Re-visited
I couldn't believe how warm it was outdoors this morning, but unfortunately once it started raining, it wasn't so pleasant. With yesterday's wind and today's rain, one can now definitely see the tree … continue reading

Personal And Corporate Greed

Personal And Corporate Greed
Well, for the first time in many months, I found upon awakening this morning, I'd over-slept for nearly two hours, so you can imagine how fast I was moving to get readied and out the door. I knew I'd … continue reading

Button-Hole Saturday

Button-Hole Saturday
The way it was misting out this morning, I ended up having a flash-back of what such days are like as we approach a hard winter, and if it were about twenty degrees cooler, it would've been a perfect … continue reading

The Ones Suffering the Most

The Ones Suffering the Most
Due to my having awakened far too early and unable to get back to sleep, I ended up at office far earlier, and since I had research to do, I figured I might as well get working on it with the extra fr … continue reading

Freely Share such Experiences

Freely Share such Experiences
It looks like we may be getting a light frost in the lowlands these next two nights, so let's hope they're only going to be isolated in the really low areas because I'd hate to see all the Fall flower … continue reading

Just forget It!

Just forget It!
Thank goodness it wasn't the cold day predicted by our weather forecasters.  As I was leaving early this morning, I noticed it was already in the 20's and rising.  Finding myself running a bit late … continue reading