Tag: City Government

The Buddy System Is Indeed Alive

The Buddy System Is Indeed Alive
One couldn't have asked for a more beautiful day today with the bright sun shining and exceptionally clear skies, and likely due to the recent rains cleaning up our atmosphere. Yes, the wind continues … continue reading

Definitely Not Out In The Trenches

Definitely Not Out In The Trenches
Our weather was quite delightful today and it seemed every time I stepped outdoors, it was feeling all the warmer, and by the time I headed out to my late afternoon appointment, it was 79 degrees. As … continue reading

One’s Own Grandmother

One’s Own Grandmother
I was thanking the powers that be upon awakening this morning and finding rain instead of snow. Yeah! We're getting the moisture we need without having to put our shovels to work. It'll be interesting … continue reading

Heavy On Our Hands

Heavy On Our Hands
All I can say, this was definitely a Friday to remember with all the calls, drop-ins and appointments I had both in and outside my office, but thankfully the weather was pleasant, and so much so, I di … continue reading