Tag: Church

Let’s All Vote

Let’s All Vote
Before heading to office this morning, I had to stop at a gas station and get another fill-up, and after looking at the printed receipt, there's no doubt these gas prices are making a big dent in the … continue reading

Social Vampirism Is On The Rise

Social Vampirism Is On The Rise
It was a glorious morning with the temps tolerable and the sun shining brightly. The extra light coupled with low humidity created a positive impact on me from the time I left home. Of course I did ha … continue reading

They Ghosted Me

They Ghosted Me
Once my early morning chores were finished, I went out and checked on several clean-up jobs which had taken place late yesterday. They all looked good, so I sent a text to the worker telling him I was … continue reading

Pages Out Of A Coloring Book

Pages Out Of A Coloring Book
With it being another Sunday morning, I arrived at office early enough to comfortably get my contemplative prayer session completed. Today's was more memorable in that there were few if any distractio … continue reading

All That We Offer

All That We Offer
With the arrival of another Sunday, I dressed in my Sunday best and headed to office, but the first stop I had to make, was to deliver a good handful of cucumbers to a friend of mine whom I know enjoy … continue reading

Chain-Stake For A Dog

Chain-Stake For A Dog
Another Sunday morning had soon arrived, which prompted me to walk back to my contemplative corner and get my prayer session completed before even thinking about anything else. Over the course of thes … continue reading

Thugs And Kleptocrats

Thugs And Kleptocrats
We've certainly been getting the much-needed rain today, so hopefully our sub-soil will be replenished enough to where we'll be back to normal by the time Fall arrives. Of course on the down-side, we' … continue reading

Vibrato is Like a Salt or Pepper

Vibrato is Like a Salt or Pepper
I'm sure everyone except the snow removal people weren't happy to see another 2" - 3" of snow when peeking out their windows this morning. Thinking I was going to have a light day, turned into a time- … continue reading

Closest to Being that of a Human Voice

Closest to Being that of a Human Voice
After all the stressful days of getting a home's basement and roof inspected, then having to quickly complete an appraiser's work requirements, and finally waiting for an underwriter's approval on tha … continue reading

An Old Stone Church on Christmas Day

An Old Stone Church on Christmas Day
With the temps being ten degrees cooler this morning, it sure made a noticeable difference whenever I was outdoors for any length of time. The sunrise this morning was casting it's glowing amber rays … continue reading