Tag: China

Waddling About

Waddling About
The last time I checked, it was 82 degrees outdoors in the Downtown. Now isn't that something for our record books? As far as I'm concerned, this is too fast of a change from Winter to Spring. Afte … continue reading

Revenue We’ve Lost

Revenue We’ve Lost
It started out chilly again today, but by the time mid-afternoon arrived, it was actually above 60 degrees which is pointing us in the direction of having a warm week ahead. Let's just keep hoping it … continue reading

Vultures Perched Above

Vultures Perched Above
When I looked at our local newswire early this morning, I did discover what had caused that smell of burning wood when I arrived at my yesterday. I'm sure someone must've thought it funny to set a pil … continue reading

Do Not Eat Bugs

Do Not Eat Bugs
It was a typical Monday morning, with the exception of my feeling a bit guilty for not getting my spiritual "fixing" done yesterday. It bothered me enough to where I found a dimly-lit corner in my off … continue reading

A Higher Plain

A Higher Plain
It looked a little bit more like Spring today, and glad for it because we've had quite the nasty chain of evens happening since the first of the year, and most of it surrounding the spread of the Chin … continue reading

Iowa Child

Iowa Child
Oh how wonderful it was to have the sun out, the wind having gone down, and the temps having risen to almost 60 degrees. It's amazing when finding how our outlooks suddenly turn brighter when the sun … continue reading

The Advance of Senescence

The Advance of Senescence
I'm sure anyone who was outdoors today got a good biting from that exceptionally cold north wind, and actually being glad I didn't have a public open house today because of the weather. Unless there's … continue reading

Ja Way

Ja Way
Thank heaven we made it back from our months of afternoon darkness now that daylight saving time is on once again.  I can't remember the time I didn't hate having to turn the clocks back in the Fall … continue reading

Frost Build Up

Frost Build Up
It may sound like a broken record when speaking about these cold days, but don't you think we've endured enough of them?  Someone mentioned something about another possible four to six inches on the … continue reading

Corporate Monarchy

Corporate Monarchy
There's one particular sale file I've been working on for the past two weeks that's just about got me fit to be tied.  I'd say every year or two there's at least one quirky transaction that becomes e … continue reading