In the Holds

The cool air felt oh so good this morning, which was creating a really creepy-cool serpentine ground fog, and when looking at it form a distance, it almost appeared as a living mass of gray that was slowing moving across streets and between homes. Seeing that type of fog is one more reason why I enjoy low-lying areas because of the greater diversities one finds, instead of being on higher ground and having to deal with the near non-stop wind blowing.

If someone would ask me exactly what type of topography I’d enjoy the most in North Iowa, I would have to say being near water which of course would put me in a low-lying area, a good stand of old-growth trees, and a two story home with a taller foundation situated on higher ground. With those ingredients, one would have the water, the greenery, and views. What more could one ask for? Oh, and of course the closest neighbor being more than an 1000 arm-lengths away.

There’s no question I enjoy being around people, but there comes a time in my day when I have to close my social “door” and start enjoying my own company. Like I’ve said before, if a person can’t stand being alone, it’s an internal problem rather than something coming from the outside. Again, I may sound sexist when saying men are far more hating of being home alone than women, which I believe comes from a number of reasons of which we could go on for hours in debate.

Have you ever noticed how male dogs act versus females? If there’s a male and female dog in a given household, just watch how the male seems to always want to be within eyeshot of the female, but while watching the movements of the female, she doesn’t pay much attention to the male because she’s busy doing her own thing. Some may think it’s a territorial issue with the males, but I think there are few more hidden reasons.

When in conversation about the China-virus with someone today, I couldn’t help mentioning how uninformed the general public is regarding the continuous mutations that are taking place on a daily basis. I went on to say, “Believe it or not, there was a time when I was young and semi-good looking, and very much into micro biology which by today’s standards, would be considered the Stone Age due to the advancements that’ve been made in recent years.” I went on to say that some of the major virologist have already admitted a month ago that there are already eight distinct mutations, and don’t think they’re finished evolving, which is why we need a knock-out punching vaccine developed more sooner than later.

I’m sure you remember me telling you that about a month ago, there was a new outbreak in one of the northeast provinces of China, and found that it wasn’t asymptomatic for just one week, but two. Can you imagine how much more likely it’s now spreading between families and close friends? Another big issue I have with this random testing, is that if you were tested yesterday as being corona-free, but then tomorrow you happen to come in contact with an asymptomatic person and contract the virus, you’re likely still running around proudly saying “I’m corona-free!”, and then you’re gonna start passing it around until you start showing symptoms. Now tell me truthfully. Do you think getting that random test was hurting or helping you in your fight to remain out of harms way?
My belief is that those random tests are giving our general public a false sense of security, and especially if they’re not under quarantine.

Believe it or not, my new listing of yesterday, just went under contract today. I suspected it would sell due to the number of amenities it offers, but having it on the market for less than 24 hours was more than I expected. Oh well, the seller is happy and the buyer is too, so what more could we expect?

I have two back-to-back closings tomorrow which I’m about as ready as I can be, which means my morning will be filled with final walk-thru’s and closings. One of the buyers is moving here from out of State, which always makes me happy to see people wanting to live here. As our way of life continues to evolve due to this protracted battle with the coronavirus, I’m still hoping Mason City will remain the hub of commerce in North Central Iowa.

I just heard today there’s an new heart doctor moving to town, and from what I was told, he’s going to be making quite the name for himself. I was quite surprised when the person also added, “I know that in time, he’ll be in the top ten ranking of all heart doctors in our Country.” Now that was quite the testimonial coming from the mouth of a non-medical related person. Let’s hope it all comes true.

When I went to check on a house today, I happened to notice two Japanese beetles on a plant, and you can bet I got them before they flew off. Those things when in numbers have the ability to strip grape leaves, Linden leaves, and a number of others in very short periods of time. Whomever said globalization is good for all, didn’t step back far enough and look at the whole picture. Maybe this pandemic will cause all the more people to think twice about where they’re going and what they’re buying. You do know that rats are not native to America, and the reason they’re here, is because our Colonists brought them here in the holds of their ships.

I bristled several days ago when hearing that Mason City’s school administrators gave themselves a nice raise in salaries for the coming year. As far as I’m concerned, the teachers are the ones on the front lines of education and being rewarded far less than they’re worth. I will never understand how they can justify such salary differences.

Tonight’s one-liner is: Honest errors are to be pitied, not ridiculed.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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