Turning Into Necessity Growers

Thank goodness we’re finally heading out of my not so favorite month of January, and with it being the last day of the month, there were more than the normal number of people stopping by my office, which had me tied to my desk longer than I wanted to be, and only because I begged to be outdoors enjoying our unseasonably warm weather.

My late morning appointment had me over at Prairie Place on First, showing yet another interested couple the unit we have for sale, and since the buyers were very much unfamiliar with all the extras, I dare say I spent a good hour and a half with them, but by the time they walked out of the complex, they were pretty much up to speed with everything, so hopefully they’ll be calling me back for another look before they make their decision. I was grateful over one of the current owner’s willingness to show them their completely furnished unit which I believe caused them to be more interested.

By the time I arrived back at office, it was coming up to the time for my clients to arrive who had a document to drop off, along with another one I had readied for them to sign. We sat and had a nice chat about the loan process going forward, along with sharing my thoughts about the various services being offered by professionals in our community. Yes, it’s always good to have both buyers and sellers brought up to speed on such things they’re not familiar with. Keep in mind, buying or selling a home, isn’t something the general public is doing on a regular basis.

About an hour before closing time, I received a call from a buyer I’ve been working with who asked if I had time for him this afternoon, which of course I made sure my time was available, so after he arrived, we sat down and carefully reviewed all the recent sales of comparable properties which gave him a better idea on what the home is likely worth. Once he was in full understanding, he decided to have me write an offer on his favorite, so by the time the hour of closing arrived, I had his signed offer along with its accompanying documents scanned and emailed out to the listing agent. Hopefully before the weekend is out, I’ll have another home under contract, which will make me all the more thankful and grateful for the many loyal and faithful buyers and sellers I’ve been working with over these many years.

Well, if our POTUS does go thru with the placing of tariffs on China, Canada and Mexico, we all had better tighten our belts because the higher prices of those goods coming into our country will most certainly be passed on to the end consumers. You can be sure the farmers are going to be squealing like little piggies because a great amount of the fertilizer they use, is being imported from Canada. Of course we lowly consumers are also going to be paying higher prices for fruits and vegetables which are imported from Mexico. So with the Hispanics working on our country’s fruit and vegetable farms now being rounded up and sent back South, we’ll be all the more dependent on commodities coming from Mexico. Unfortunately, there must be people in power now who’re not fully in understanding regarding the rippling effect tariffs have on a given country’s economy. Let’s hope our citizens have large garden plots to help lower their grocery bills. There’s no doubt our ‘hobby’ gardeners are going to be turning into necessity growers.

If the food costs do go up which I know they will, don’t be surprised to find the prices of acreages climbing even higher. My gosh! I just noticed what a recent sale of an acreage ended up selling for once the price was published. Now that was one heck of a chunk of change, and especially when knowing how much farther the new owners are going to be driving to Mason City. Yes, there’s been some big-ticket acreage sales since the pandemic arrived, and there looks to be no correction in sight.

I’m sure a number of your remember how the Roman Empire fell, and if you don’t, I can assure it fell from within, and too many times over these many years, I’ve heard historians comparing our US of A with the Roman Empire. Let’s hope and pray it’ll not be another repeat of history.

Tonight’s One-liner is: If moderation is a fault, then indifference is a crime.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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