Nr. 24

Besides how remarkably warm it was today, it was even more delightful when finding the wind had stopped blowing. It now appears we’ll not be hit with a winter storm that’s south of us which is moving across the middle section of our country. Yes, it’s more resembling the weather we had last winter. So much for the predictable weather patterns we had decades ago.

During my spare time, I’d been boxing up china and glassware which I’ve never used which was doing nothing more than taking up space and collecting dust, so this morning before heading out to run errands, I loaded up those four large boxes and dropped them off at 43 North Iowa. I did mention to the woman who was gladly receiving them, my having already checked on the prices of some of those items on Ebay, just to let her know that a number of them are now popular collectables. Her eyes definitely widened after opening up several of them, so hopefully those pieces will get sold more sooner than later to those who’re always out ‘picking’. Like I’ve said before, I’m definitely of the mindset that less is more.

We finally managed to get those two back-to-back sales put together, so hopefully they’ll both be sliding thru the lending process without any glitches. Of course we always have the possibility of inspection issues, but I’m really not looking for any major problems that would cause either of them to derail.

After getting my fill of the news early this morning, I’m growing all the more concerned over the experience and integrity of these people who’re being appointed by our POTUS. Since I’ve always been a proponent of a strong and stable military, I just can’t get my brain wrapped around the thought of Hegseth being our Secretary of Defense because I believe he’s lacking not only in experience and education, but more importantly, acumen. I’m afraid we’re gonna be in for some shocking events these coming months and years.

While visiting with a young man who’s looking for modest housing here in Mason City, I was not surprised when listening to him talk about some of the dumps he’s been looking at which are outrageously priced. After hearing about that apartment fire on N. Pennsylvania yesterday, there’ll be even more people desperately looking for housing. I keep thinking it can’t get any worse, but after today’s conversation, it is. Unfortunately, far too many of us don’t stop to consider how many millions of people are truly struggling to keep roofs over their heads and food on their tables.

I finished watching a movie last night I started the night before, which was called ‘Nr. 24’ and based on the true-life story of a man who led the resistance movement shortly after the Germans invaded Norway during WWII, so if you’re any sort of history buff, I would strongly recommend you watch it because I was very much impressed by it. Another good reason a person should see it, is because it’s a reminder that such situations could repeat themselves in our troubled world.

My late afternoon appointments had me out showing a home I’d sold years ago, and when walking thru it, I began having some bittersweet memories of the owner at the time who later became one of my good friends, but unfortunately she passed away rather suddenly about five years ago. I’m have a ‘feeling’ the buyers are interested enough in it to where they’ll likely want to look at it again.

The last appointment I had, was just about what I was expecting, and possibly even worse. Believe it or not, it was so bad that by the time we’d finished getting a good look, I started coughing until I made it outdoors to get some fresh. My gosh! The constitution of some humans are quite remarkable. I couldn’t help saying to the buyers, “I suggest you continue looking because the amount of work it needs would have you cursing the day you purchased it.” Yes, it was that bad.

Tonight’s One-liner is: Great things are not accomplished by those who yield to trends, fads and popular opinion.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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