It was definitely another roller-coaster Monday with the drop ins, phone calls, text messages and emails. Much of it ended up being spill-overs from this weekend, but at least I managed to get everyone’s requests filled, so hopefully tomorrow will be a more settled day.
A buyer whom I’d not worked with in months, ended up calling today wanting me to later this week, show him one of the cheaper priced homes that’s still on the market which will likely end up being another fly-over, and only because I know a little more about that property than what’s being described by the listing agent. Oh well, at least he’s still wanting to work with me.
We’re still plugging along on getting 2708 – 19th St. SW to the closing table which in the end, will be a win-win situation for everyone involved, including those who’re living in that district because the buyer has plans that’ll make that section of frontage more eye appealing. Of course there’s always that cumbersome process of getting the zoning changed just to satisfy our city’s requirements. Long gone are the days when people had the right to do anything they wanted with property they owned, even if it would be considered an improvement.
Luckily I managed to get a frozen-in sold sign which I tried to pull out last week, fully removed without having to beat myself up doing it, and thank goodness for that because it was located on a very busy street and I sure didn’t want those passersby thinking I’d gone batty. Yes, having no snow cover, has made it more difficult to get signs in and out of the ground.
When reading the news this morning, I noticed today was the 80th anniversary of Auschwitz liberation, and not surprised to see many dignitaries of the world in attendance. With it being King Charles’ first visit, he ended up being brought tears, which would likely happen to me if I visited that site. Some day when I get back into traveling again, I would like to pay my own personal respects.
Now if the general public in our Country and the world, would get back to their dusty history books and read about not only the mass killings of the Jews, along with those who didn’t fit the ‘mould’ of what Hitler believed to be his prized Aryan race, but also the chain of events which caused those mass murders. Yes, it would make all the many sit up and take notice of the similar ideologies of a handful of our world leaders. Like I said many-a-time, if we don’t learn and remember histories, then we’ll likely end up re-living them, and believe me, even the forgetting of family histories, allows morphic resonance to take hold and begin another vicious cycle.
I closed up shop a little earlier this afternoon, just so I’d have time to run over to another large church and get some practicing done on their super-sized organ which I’ll be playing several times next month. Wow! I swear if that baby were to be fully-opened up, she’d blast the roof right off that church, and especially if all the stops were pulled. I truly appreciate organ music, but I really don’t like listening to them when they’re being played too loud. Unfortunately, some virtuoso organists like to show off their skills in ear-piercing ways.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Folks don’t like to have somebody around knowing more than they do.