He’s Not Even Close

Having the sun shining brightly and our temps slightly above freezing today, made for quite the delightful respite from the biting cold days we recently had to endure, and from the sounds of it, we’re likely going to be having some record-breaking temps this coming week, and to think it’ll be happening in our month of January.

My early morning appointment ended up being much longer than I was expecting which in turn, offered me less time to prepare myself for an afternoon appointment, but I did manage to have everything put together before I took my real estate hat off and headed out to do some checking up on vacant homes, along with running a few personal errands.

When I arrived back at office, I sat down and did some additional practicing for tomorrow’s church playing obligation, and after running thru that jazzy piece enough times, I think I finally have it cracked enough to were it should be acceptable, and if not, I’ll just have to keep working on it.

I’m sure many of you are wondering why I’ve not named the church I’ll be playing at tomorrow, and the only reason I’ve not told you, is because it’s my first Sunday with them, and if all goes well, I’ll likely be one of their regulars, so hopefully tomorrow I’ll be sharing additional information about that community of faith.

After my practicing session was over, I changed into my work clothes and headed back over to my project and steadily worked for a good three hours on something that had been placed on the back burner for a number of months, but luckily I managed to get it fully completed, so that created one more checking-off on my ‘to do’ list. Yeah!

My late afternoon appointment went as planned, so as of right now, there’s an offer that’s been submitted to another office on one of their listings. I personally feel it’s a very good ‘fit’ for the buyers, but of course that’s just my humble opinion, but I can also say I’ve had a good long run at creating those matching-ups of buyers with homes they ended up buying, and years later being glad they purchased what they did at the time. Perhaps the reason I’ve been successful at it, it because I take the time to envision them living there for say five or ten years, and sometimes even longer.

Oh, did I ever have a nasty recall while driving past a home today, which carried me back well over ten years when I was working with a very demanding ‘reli’ who was interested in buying that particular home, but in the end, it ended up getting sold to someone else, and thank goodness for that because that situation would’ve ended up being a psychological millstone around my neck. I now believe that must’ve been another Divine intervention, which kept that sale from taking place at the time.

Having read in the news today where Hegseth ended up being voted-in as our new Secretary of Defense, all I could think of, was the possibility of him being called in the night regarding some critical military issue after he’d been in the giggle water. Ok, he did promise he wouldn’t be drinking at work, which still offers him the opportunity to get snockered after hours. Now being in an exceptionally high position, let’s hope he’ll have someone appointed as his ‘shadow’, just to keep his drinking from getting out of hand.

Considering how easily Senator Joni Ernst bent herself to the wishes of her Republican colleagues, I have a ‘feeling’ she’s gonna have a big battle on her hands in getting re-elected because we must remember that for a very long time, Iowa was considered a ‘purple’ State, instead of solid-red like others. For me, if Hegseth were a Democrat, I’d still be of the belief he’s not even close to being qualified for that job. Oh well, times are definitely a-changing, which means we must be all the more in-tune with what’s happening, along with carefully fact-checking everything we hear, see, and/or read.

Tonight’s One-liner is: All you have to do, is say something nobody understands and they’ll do practically anything you want them to.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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