For whatever reason, my entire day ended being more like a Tuesday after a three day weekend with all the phone calls, emails and follow-ups. But, at least before I closed up shop for the day, another one of my listings went under contract which wasn’t much of a surprise because of how aggressively we priced it in comparison to similar homes that are still in the market. I’m definitely of the belief that this ‘covid buying’ will soon be a thing of the past, which is just fine by me.
I did make time to run over to the church I’ll be playing for this coming Sunday, just to get a some additional practicing done on a jazzy piece which had me nearly fit to be tied, and only because such music has always been my Achilles heel, and likely because I was rarely exposed to it, along with not really having much interest in learning the style. But, from what I’m seeing thus far, I’ll be learning a few more in the near future. My becoming the caliber of Hob Mason would be a near impossibility.
On and off this afternoon, I kept having to remind myself that it wasn’t Saturday, and the most embarrassing moment, was actually thinking it was Saturday while on the phone with one of my long-time clients. I believe part of the blame can be placed on the second cup of coffee I had on an empty stomach around Noon, along with being filled with furry after hearing what a contractor had to say about some serious plumbing issues that were discovered several months after a particular home closed. I could definitely ‘feel’ the pain and anxiety coming from that person who considered it the ‘forever’ home. I couldn’t even imagine myself doing something like that to an innocent buyer, and for sure if I did, I wouldn’t be able to sleep nights. Unfortunately in these times, it appears that ‘conscience’ is out the window. Once again, greed has become the mode of the day.
One of my clients brought up the subject of the ‘entities’ I spoke about several days ago, so I once again insisted the information I relayed to that person, was the absolute truth, which caused me to be a die-hard believer in poltergeists and powerful entities. All of those happenings were entirely beyond coincidence, which caused me to become a true ‘believer’ all the more. I also added the fact that energy never dies, so if there’s an exceptionally strong energy belonging to a deceased person which for whatever reason, makes a decision to stick around for days, months, years, and possibly decades, then that’s what people have to learn to put up with, and I believe that sooner or later, that ‘energy’ either leaves the site, or simply comes to the point of accepting strangers in their space. It’s definitely something to think about.
Tomorrow looks to be another busy day which will begin with an early morning appointment to get documents signed, and hopefully I’ll end up getting emailed all the information my customers will be needing to read before they make an offer on a home they’ve fallen in ‘like’ with. Perhaps I will have time to get back over to my extended project and plug myself in for two or more hours.
Yes, this has been a week filled with joys, sorrows, new challenges, old anxieties, yet still managing keep my wits about me. I have to remind myself once in a while that if it doesn’t kill you, it ends up making you stronger.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Enthusiasm in our daily work, lightens effort and turns even labor in pleasant tasks.