Eyes Of The Devil

Knowing the weather was gonna be changing for the worse, I pressed myself to get all my real estate work done as early as possible, just so I would have some free hours to attend to some personal things during my late morning and early afternoon.

Since I was feeling a bit shaggy on top, I headed over to get my hair cut, just so I wouldn’t have to continue enduring it until next week. For whatever reason, either the time is flying by all the faster, or my hair is growing like a weed patch. Oh well, I guess there shouldn’t be any complaining considering how many near-bald men we have in our midst. I personally believe much of this hair loss on men, is due to the prolonged wearing of baseball caps, which I rarely if ever wear. For whatever reason, I’ve never had a liking for them.

My hair person and I had some really good conversation in about the going-on after the election, and not surprised we were in full agreement about it all. I was a little shocked when hearing how creepy my hair person believes J.D. Vance is, to where she believes he has the eyes of the devil. I had to laugh a little bit because from the first time I saw him, I was hit with a few bad vibes, so I guess I’m not the only one.

The pickup truck got borrowed and then put to work again with the hauling of two full loads of unwanted ‘stuff’ to the landfill, and glad I managed to make time to do it, because by the time my second load was delivered, the wind was growing stronger and colder. Now that I’ve made a big dent in getting rid of that useless stuff, I’ll have an opportunity to get things better organized. Yes, there’ll be some additional gifting of useable items in the near future.

In my digging and throwing, I ran across a dressing bench which triggered a number of memories of my mother who used it on a daily basis in her bedroom for many years. Because the hard-upholstered seat is bad, I first thought I’d pitch it, but then looking closer at its construction, I decided to keep it. That’ll be another stripping and then upholstering project. Yes, when finished, it will be put to use.

When I arrived back at office, I found an attorney’s secretary had emailed me the title work on a sale, so after making a few calls, we now have it set to close next week. Of course it’s gonna be a cold one, but at least my buyers will be able to start making some changes before they move in. Gosh, they’ve been the nicest to work with.

Not to my surprise, we now have two offers on one of my recent listings, so I had to put the word out to both agents for them to bring their highest and best, so likely by the end of the day tomorrow, it’ll be under contract.

I am starting to get a little ‘issy’ over some of my colleagues not following written instructions I’d given them, which makes for double work, along with additional time lost. Just this week, another old gripe of mine has started to surface again, and that’s the ‘no show’ situations I have to deal with. Just yesterday a buyer not only didn’t show up, but also didn’t have the decency to respond to my text message. How rude is that? Yes, I was ghosted by someone I’d not even had the opportunity to meet. Go figure.

Tonight’s One-liner is: Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers, but it is love just the same, and most mothers kiss and scold together.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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