Spread Fantasies In Their Factories

After my early morning showing having gone well, I headed back to office to get back to sorting, logging and journaling information for my yearly taxes, and by the time Noon arrived, I gave myself a good pat on the back for having that daunting task completed on January 15th, which was definitely a first for me, so now all I’m waiting for, are documents that’ll be coming from various financial institutions. Yes, I’ve definitely been on a burn with staying ahead of the game.

Thinking I had everything correct on some documents that were delivered to one of our government bodies, I found out at the last hour, the one handling it, was insisting on having specific language included which had me rapidly changing gears to work on that problem. Thank goodness I have professionals in my close circle who’re always willing to offer a helping hand when I’m in need. Once I had the document I needed, I hurried back to my office where I scanned it and then emailed it to the one needing the correction. Thank goodness it was acceptable, so now we can keep moving forward.

Thus far, we have three showings in place these coming days for my listing at 812 S. Massachusetts, which comes as no surprise because that home is definitely worth the money considering how many big ticket improvements the owners had recently made on the home. When looking at the new listings which were posted so far this week, I dare say this home is still a cut above, so if you happen to know anyone looking for a turn-key home priced under $140K, please have them give me a call.

I now have a buyer wanting to look at my new listing at 418 – 23rd St. SW tomorrow, so hopefully that’ll go well because about three blocks away, there’s one listed that went under contract just recently that’s many thousands more, and offering far less square footage, which now has me wondering if that buyer noticed my new listing after spilling ink on a purchase agreement. I would definitely be having second thoughts when seeing a home listed in that same district offering more bang for the buck.

After reading the news feeds today, I’ve come to the conclusion that for the next four years or more, we’re gonna be bombarded with agitprop in our medias, so please fact-check everything you hear or read.

Because I’ve assisted a great number of factory workers over these many years, I’m pretty sure another reason ‘D.T.’ got elected, was because of how freely those workers spread fantasies in their factories. I’d say over these past ten years, the garbage they’ve been spreading around is beyond remarkable. In spite of my telling some of them that they shouldn’t be relying completely on Fox Entertainment, but rather check out various other ‘legit’ news sources like CBS news, BBC news, PBS news, and NPR. But, for whatever reason, they still allow themselves to be sucked into those others sources filled with agitprops and bald-faced lies.

I’m sure my highly intelligent good friend who lives out of State, is shaking his head all the more over Trump’s appointees, and even more so if he happened to see that little clip in the news today where one of our State legislators has come out saying ‘we’ should buy from Minnesota, all the counties that border Iowa. How insane is that? They happened to have a picture of him, and at first glance, he had the look of someone who’d wandered away from a County Farm. My gosh! I do believe we’re rapidly devolving into an idiocracy.

Tonight’s One-liner is: Injustice makes the rules, and courage breaks them.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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