Their Golden Bennies

I didn’t look to confirm my suspicions, but I do believe our temps downtown topped-off above eighty degrees today, which likely set a record. I’m sure once we get back to normal late October and early November temps, there’ll be some acclimating to be done once again. I’m sure hoping the rain we’re supposed to get tomorrow, comes all at once instead of those on and off showers, and only because I have out of office appointments.

My anxieties over Thursday’s closing just about had me fit to be tied early this morning, and only because I’d not yet received the title work on it which I was expecting yesterday, but fortunately it did arrive in my email early this afternoon, so I was busy with that almost the rest of the day. Oh how I truly hate getting those docs at such a late hour.

Once I had all the closing numbers put together, I went ahead and emailed them to the closing company, and then drove out to my seller’s residence and got the signatures I needed, and then later this afternoon, I managed to get the last signature I needed, so once we have our walk-thru completed forenoon tomorrow, I’ll have everything ready for Thursday’s early morning closing. Thank goodness it all fell into place without a hitch.

Some friends of my sellers were at her home while I was there, and somehow we ended up on the subject of the religious differences there’ve been since the Reformation, which still exist today, which they all agreed. Of course I had to also add the fact that millions of people have lost their lives over the centuries, and all because of those sectarian silly differences. Even today, Putin and his creepy Metropolitan Krill, used the excuse to invade Ukraine because they were turning into Nazis and sex-starved Orthodox recreants. My gosh, even in these times, we heard that crazy Krill tell the Russian soldiers that if they die on the battlefield, they’ll automatically go to heaven. Yes, in these times, we still have self-righteous religious zealots. I ended my little speech by adding, “Just remember, the core of goodness is love and forgiveness, while the core of evil is fear.”

My long-time friend whom I’d not seen in many months, stopped by my office to drop off some Christmas containers which will definitely be put to use when I start preparing for my Holiday gift-giving. She also gifted me a German ‘reader’ that was published back in 1870 which gave me a bit of a shock after opening it and finding it was written using the German Gothic alphabet. Oh my goodness! It has been many years since I’ve seen it, and even back when I was learning German a 100 years ago, it was only lightly touched on because it was considered archaic. My friend knows I’m always up for a challenge, which is likely why she gave it to me. Yes, I’ll be picking away at it from time to time until I can comfortably read it, while being reminded how much of a struggle it was for me a number of years ago, to crack the Cyrillic alphabet, which I can still make out enough to pronounce the words. There used to be a vase in a glass case in City Hall which had some Cyrillic Russian words written on it which I could translate. Hmm..I’m now wondering where that vase went because I’ve not noticed it the recent times I’ve had to make a quick stop at their front desk.

I decided to have a public open house this coming Saturday over at 236 – 21st St. SE here in Mason City. I’m quite surprised that home hasn’t yet sold, and likely because our market is slowing down because I’ve been noticing a whole heck of a lot of price reductions coming thru. We’ll see how the open house goes, and if there’s not much interest, we’ll likely have to look at a price reduction. For sure, if someone’s looking for a move-in ready 3 bedroom home, it would be a near-perfect fit, so please put the word out.

On my way home, I stopped at a groceteria to pick up a few things, and as chance would have it, there was meat on sale, so I went ahead and purchased a supply which I sent to the freezer upon arrival.

I was seeing red when reading the notice I got from Alliant Energy saying our electric bills will be going up 15%, which is absolutely ridiculous because Mid-America’s energy costs are considerably less, and just remember, they’re serving other communities right here in North Central Iowa. I just now checked, and it came as no surprise when seeing the three ‘top dogs’ of Alliant Energy are knocking down combined yearly salaries of ten million dollars, so don’t even think for a moment they’re worthy of such bloated salaries, and not to mention the golden bennies their also getting for sitting in their tricked-out offices and sipping away at their coffee cups with wide Cheshire smiles. What a terrible shame!

Tonight’s One-liner is: Continuity in everything, is unpleasant.

Related Property:
236 21st ST. SE Mason City
Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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