418 – 20th St. SW

418 – 20th St. SWView More Photos

It was quite chilly while driving to work this morning, and upon arrival at office, I began busying myself with my preparations for the two listings I’d be signing up today. When reviewing comparable sales for those two homes, I was still finding values all over the map, but at least I did get enough to suggest list prices.

My scheduled morning listing appointment didn’t work out as well as I was expecting, and only because the home wasn’t yet readied for photos, so I’ll be waiting additional days before I can get it signed-up. I guess when you have family members who say they’re going to do something and don’t, it all ends up in the lap of the designated family do-gooder, and believe me, there always seems to be one who has to pick up the slack.  Every time I encounter such situations, I’m mentally carried back to the happenings shortly after my mother passed. I thought it quite remarkable how suddenly nobody wanted to step up to the plate with a helping hand or two. After much time had passed, I just sent it all out into the universe and with the determination that it was all on them and not me. I’m glad I no longer have to listen to a sibling insisting how ‘bizzy’ she is doing nothing.

With our temps having turned pleasant around noontime, I changed my clothes and went over to my project and worked for a good two hours, and by the time I had to call it quits, I was amazed at how much I managed to get done, and likely because I wasn’t being interrupted with phone calls.

My mid-afternoon appointment took me out to 418 – 20th St. SW where I met with those charming sellers to list their home, and after getting a good look at all the improvements they made, we sat down and talked about pricing. We ended up listing the home at $205,900 which I believe is a more than fair price for an extra roomy 4 bedroom offering 1 ¾ baths, along with all the many updates the owners have made over the years they’ve owned it.

I’m going to remain positive that it’ll sell quickly because it’s located on a less-traveled street in our city’s popular southwest district. When considering the 4 bedrooms it has, along with the many recent updates, there’s few if any comparable homes currently on the market, and just remember, it also has a double attached garage, so if you know anyone looking for an exceptionally well cared-for ranch, please have them give me a call. Tonight’s photo is an exterior shot of the home, and if you click on it, a slide-show will begin.

I just happened to recently read where the EPA has come up with a law regarding their insisting all lead water lines in our cities and towns are to be removed within a ten year period. I know for a fact that we have them right here in our Downtown, and you can be sure I wouldn’t want to be drinking any tap water from any given faucet. I distinctly remember a conversation I had with a contractor over a decade ago regarding the buried lead water lines that are under many of our streets, so when those have to be dug out and replaced, you can bet our already bloated water bills are going to be going thru the roof.
Gee, if our city ‘fathers’ hadn’t thrown away the millions they did with David Rachie, the bridge to nowhere, the dead Southbridge Mall, that endless money pit of an arena, and now the ‘river walk’, perhaps they’d have enough banked to start improving our outdated infrastructures. Don’t you think it’s time for our city to stop putting bandaids on chronic problems?

Tonight’s One-liner is: Oppression that is clearly inexorable and invincible, does not give rise to revolt, but to submission.

Related Property:
418 20th SW Mason City
Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


JoeChodurbeganhisrealestatecareerin1981duringthe...read more about: Joe Chodur

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