Hidden Benefits Of Purslane

It was another early to office on a Sunday morning for me, and only because I wanted to have my contemplative session completed before I had to run a few errands, and while going thru my normal ritual, I remembered what someone asked me several days ago regarding my continuous work at raising the level of my spiritual experiences, of course that question and answer session ended up to be a trap of sorts, and only because the person I was visiting with, believed that I was working towards a state of perfection which I believe doesn’t exist because if I were at that level, I would likely at a place unattainable by humans. The truth about it all, is that my main focus is on being more detached from temporal thoughts, while centering my attention on growing my spirituality, along with making sure those who’re on my prayer chain, receive the most genuine and self-less prayers I have to offer. That’s it.

As chance would have it, that evil entity from many months ago, managed to creep into my session again, but luckily I was able to quickly drive it out of my sacred space. I’m nearly convinced who the person is that’s sending such evil my way, but unbeknownst to her, it’s getting sent back to roost, so if it is indeed the one I suspect, there’ll likely soon be some unfortunate happenings taking place in her life. That particular human did a very bad thing to me several years ago, and about all I could do on my side, was to forevermore, sever any and all ties, and move on with my life. Have you ever had someone in your life whom you had to distance yourself from, only because you finally came to the realization that the person was a manipulative psychological vampire, but for some reason, they just wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer? Well, I’ve had to deal with a handful of such persons in my life, and believe me, they can be quite difficult when trying to close and lock your ‘door’ on them.

Once my session was over, I headed out to help a friend of mine get several pieces of furniture moved into a residence, and since I had some free time before heading over to First Congregational Church, we stood there and had a nice chat about the recent happenings in our lives.

One of the subjects we touched on, was how some parents do everything they can for there adult children, and on the surface, you automatically think they’re ignorant to the fact that they’re not helping their children to grow into becoming self-sufficient working adults. Unfortunately, many of them have more dark ideas where they use their monetary gifting, as a tool/hook to keep them in their spheres of influence. For whatever reason, I’ve been noticing such situations happening all the more in these times, and I believe it’s likely another by-product of the pandemic. With the lock-down job restrictions and limited in-class schooling, offered those manipulative parents all the more opportunities to take control. Thank goodness my parents weren’t like that, but I know for a fact, there a number of my aging relatives who’ve purposely never cut the cords on their adult children.

I’ll never forget a time when I happened to be in conversation with one of those manipulated adult children, and hearing with my own ears the statement, “I can’t wait until my parents are dead because that’s when I’ll be able to spend their money the way I want.” Oh, if I those parents only knew what’s in store for them when they’re at an age where they’ll be in need of assistance. I sure wouldn’t want to be in their shoes.

During First Congregational Church’s Service, I bounced back and forth between their grand piano and organ, and from what I was hearing afterwards from their members, it ended up being a good session of musical accompaniment. One of the ‘powers that be’ in their congregation, actually said one of the pieces I played, was beautiful. I thought I did a pretty good job on it, but not to the extent of it being beautiful. Nevertheless, the compliment was well received.

After I returned to office, I headed out to Menard’s to pick up some additional stripping supplies, and while there, I happened to run into a gentleman who worked under me back when I was employed by a bank. It’s always a delight whenever I run into him because he’s very good at making humor out of serious issues. Today he insisted I not vote for D.T., and if I do, he’ll be of the belief that I’ve lost all common sense. Yes, he also likes to find ways in which he can tease me a little, which I always take with the grain of salt, and only because his ‘tease’ is just a confirmation that he still likes me.

I happened upon an article today which contained a stir-fry recipe which called for purslane, and after giving it a good read, I’ll certainly have to try it because for years, I’ve always had a problem keeping it from taking over my vegetable garden. But, not soon after doing a little more research on the ‘weed’, I remembered when I was young and working in our monster garden, where I would always take those giant plants over to the hog pen where those pigs would eat it like candy and always be ‘squealing’ for more. At the time, I figured, the taste of it must’ve been very much to their liking, so after today, I can truthfully say there are hidden benefits to purslane. You can be sure I’ll be reporting on the taste and texture of my future stir-fry with it as an ingredient.

The remainder of my afternoon was spent back in my little nook, cracking away at those black walnuts, and after finishing up for the day, I discovered I have less than half of the last of three heaping bins of them left to crack. Oh how glad I am to be fast on the downward slide for another year.

Tonight’s One-liner is: God gives us the nuts, but he doesn’t crack them for us.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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