It seems there isn’t a day that goes by without having a noticeably strong wind blowing, and today’s southerly was no exception. When visiting with an elderly person today, he couldn’t seem to remember a Spring being this windy, and of course I had to add my two cents worth by saying, “With this combination of global warming and climate change, our months and years ahead will be similar to traveling down an uncharted country road.” For whatever reason, I’ve got a gnawing ‘feeling’ there’s gonna be even more radical weather happenings on our horizon.
After all my real estate work was completed this morning, I headed back to my little nut-cracking nook and got ‘cracking’, and because I wasn’t being continually interrupted, I managed to get another two cups of meats harvested. I do really want to get all of them cracked more sooner than later because as the weather warms, I’ll have enough other things to be doing. For the first time this season of nut-cracking, I did manage to get a full half out of a shell without it breaking, which is definitely something to talk about, so I took the above photo of it, just so you know it happened for real.
Of course with a great deal of quiet time on my hands while laboring away, I went back down memory lane’s long path which was most appropriate because the anniversary of the death of a very near and dear person to me, just so happened to be today. Oh, if only the general public knew what sort of craziness started taking place not even a day after my dear one was buried, and of course it continued on for a good seven years afterwards. I did send a text message to one familiar with all that craziness, saying, “For as long as I live, I’ll not forget all that undeserved punishing.”
One out of that group would often look at me with a Cheshire grin on her face, which at the time I considered innocent, but soon after, I realized it was more on the smug and conniving side, but on the positive end of that lesson learned, I began to recognize similar characters whom I more sooner than later distanced myself from. I’m sure the latest is still grinding an axe for me because I’m no longer considered a ‘friend’ which I never was. Isn’t it funny how wicked some get when you’ve decided to cut the chord, yet when someone does something like to me, I simply shrug it off and move forward and never look back. Truth be told, I had another such experience with a past customer whom unbeknownst to me at the time, was expecting me to become a close friend. Well, about a year later I discovered that person placed me in a ‘persona non gratis’ bucket, and to this day, most likely I’m still considered to be one. Isn’t it crazy how some can be masters at manipulation?
Speaking of manipulation, I personally know two aged biddies who live on opposite ends of our country who’ve spent nearly their entire lives manipulating their husbands and children, and believe you me, they may now be sitting financially on the top of the world, but knowing what they did to get what they have, I have zero respect for either one of them, and even though they’re now basking in the glories of their ill-gotten gains, they’ll never understand that their just rewards are not too many years off. I wasn’t a bit surprised when hearing how dysfunctional their adult children are, and likely aways will be because being under the radar of evil helicopter mothers, can result in life-long mental health issues. Yes, either sooner than later, there’s always a price to pay.
Being asked a personal question about a colleague today by a long-term client, I prefaced what I was about to tell him by saying, “I’m definitely not a gossip, so if what I’m going to tell you sounds like it, I insist it’s not because the only time I share anything about another, is when I’ve personally seen it, or heard it out of the mouth of that person.” Yes, this bloated village we call River City, is bubbling-over with wicked gossipers who truly get their jollies out of it. I’ve learned long ago that whenever you hear someone tearing down another, that’s all they’re doing is attempting to lift themselves up, and it’s usually precipitated by jealousy. That’s it.
Oh, I have to mention my having crossed paths with someone who’s always so nicety-nice with when out of the eye of the general public, but not too long ago, I happened upon that person in a group, and wouldn’t you know, I was noticeably ignored, so I soon after cut the cord on that character. How terribly rude people can be.
I happened to read a long article last night which spoke about the reasons why many in our general public are walking away organized religion. Some of the reasons given had to do with the rise in secular humanism, easy access to the many diverse beliefs, a need for hard evidence, all the more questioning of dogma within their churches, placing more focus on material success, and a greater desire for personal freedom. There were other reasons given, but I think you’ve already got the drift of that article.
Recalling a conversation I had weeks ago with an acquaintance, we somehow got on the subject of my playing either the organ or piano at three churches here in town, and for whatever reason, I got a little bit of a kick-back when she said, “Oh, I don’t bother with that churchy stuff because every time I walk out my front door, I know I’m in God’s presence.” Of course wicked ended up replying, “That sounds like a pretty good excuse to me.” Ouch!
The only personal issue I have with such talk from the many, is there not being any sort of spiritual replacement for those voids that remained after they walked away from their brick and mortar houses of worship, but if one of them would tell me that on a regular basis, they’re out helping those poor souls in need, I’d say that’s being more God-like. Keep in mind, these are only my own personal thoughts and concerns.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Self-interest is the enemy of all true affection.