Best Laid Plans Of Mice

It was good when finding we had moisture last night, but today’s intermittent rain with a bone-chilling wind, didn’t make for any sort of pleasant experiences while out in it. From what I read, our temps are supposed to be in the upper 50’s tomorrow, and later on in the 60’s. Now that’ll be more like it.

Another Sunday morning contemplative prayer session took place in my darkened corner, and for whatever reason, a person whom I’d disconnected myself with a number of years ago, happened to pop into my mind several times, but other than those spiritual interruptions, it all went very well.

Once my session was over, I grabbed my music and headed over to St. Paul Lutheran to get myself situated for this morning’s Service, and since I was a little earlier than normal, I sat down at their vintage organ and played about a half-dozen hymns before it was time for me to go downstairs and connect with the pastor, just to make sure we were both on the same page as to how many versus of the hymns she wanted played. Without a doubt, she’s been a godsend for their community of faith, because her sermons are always very uplifting and relevant to today’s times. I make sure to compliment her every opportunity I get because talented people need to be acknowledged for the good they do.

After visiting with the clarinetist I practiced with last week, it sounds like she’s not wanting to play by herself, so there went my plans to have that wonderful hymn ready for their congregation to hear before the Easter season is over. I’m now thinking I’ll take a copy of it over to First Baptist next Sunday and see if that talented young vocalist would be up for singing it as a solo for their Offertory. I know he can read music, so I think if I get there early enough, I may have a chance at getting him to sing it as a solo because if I can’t find someone, it’ll definitely be a waste, and only because that Easter piece is quite moving. I have to laugh when remembering how much I worked on getting one particular piece cracked for St. Paul’s Easter Service, and now having already cracked an equally difficult piece, but no one to either sing our accompany me with another instrument, so it’s looking like another one of those ‘Best laid plans of mice and men are sure to go awry’.

After church was over, I headed out to meet a friend of mine who had to show me a vintage light fixture he’d had in storage for a number of years, and the only reason he wanted me to see it, was because he knew how much I’m always taken by those extremely well made brass light fixtures which were installed in homes built in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. All it took was one look and I was smitten by not old the brass portion of it, but even more so, the clear glass-ribbed shade which was much larger and definitely heavier than any I’ve personally come in contact with. Truth be told, I don’t even remember seeing anything like it on Ebay. From the sounds of it, he’s going to polish it up and hang it in the back entrance hallway of his grand home, which I’m sure will end up being a conversation piece.

Before heading back to office, I headed out to Hardware Hank, and then to our East Hy-Vee to pick up a few things I was needing, and while there, I happened to run into a woman who worked at the same bank I did a great many years ago. She always makes me laugh whenever saying something about me not having a face-full of wrinkles and looking just as slim and trim as I was way back then. I always end up saying something sassy like, “Oh there’s really no secret because most of it comes from my parents’ gene pool.” It’s always nice getting a soulful hug from her before we head in opposite directions.

After taking care of a few loose ends, I headed back to my nook and began cracking away at those black walnuts. Having started later than I wanted, I was surprised to find I managed to get two full cups of nut meats out of them, so I figured I must be getting even more proficient at cracking them. It’s not always fun because once in a while, one of those exploding nuts shells will hit either one of my fingers or the back of my hand. Well today was no exception, so now I have a nasty scratch on the top of my hand. I fully understand why there are companies that buy those shells and turn them into gritty powder which is used to clean up delicate pieces of wood and such. Sounds like sand-blasting without the sand.

I keep forgetting to tell all of you that it was recently confirmed that LaJames Cosmetology College has been sold to the woman who owns Bare Sugar which is right across the street from LaJames. It’ll be interesting to see what those five storefronts and 10 apartments above them sold for. There’s no question the Rentz family has had a very good run of it over these past forty or fifty years because not only did they make money off those students, but also from the many people in our public who’d go there for a haircut, perm, massage or pedicure. From what I heard, Kevin and Sue Rentz are fully retiring, and since the bowling alley they owned burned down, they’ll have to find something to keep themselves occupied because they’re not that old. I’m now wondering if Bare Sugar will be moving over to the LaJames building once their lease is up. Regardless, I do wish both the buyers and sellers all the best years ahead.

I wasn’t very happy when reading who the new President of Slovakia is, and only because I believe both he and Slovakia’s Prime Minister Fico is in Putin’s back pocket.  Considering how closely ‘related’ the Czechs and Slovaks are with their languages and culture, I still can’t get my brain wrapped around how different they are. I’m sure the Czechs won’t be doing Slovakia and favors because they absolutely hate the Russians because of what they did to them back in the 1960’s. Too bad for the Slovaks.

Tonight’s One-liner is: No one has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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