Another beautiful day arrived with the wind having finally gone down to a minimum, and our sun warming our temps up to a mid-afternoon high of 70 degrees in the downtown. While out running errands and driving to my out-of-office appointments, I noticed a number of people pounding the sidewalks, which made me wonder again how long these abnormal temperatures are going to last. Yes, the Spring flowers are pushing their heads up from the ground, along with our trees and shrubs beginning to bud. I still can’t believe I’m already discovering flies.
Just yesterday I was thinking about the number of years I’d take seven or ten day trips out to California to visit relatives which was usually around St. Patrick’s Day, and back then, one was always wondering if the airports would be snowed-in, or there’d be a winter storm which would create dangerous driving conditions to the Minneapolis airport. I’m sure many of you can remember the brutal winter we had about ten years ago which created a lasting memory with me because I pulled a muscle in my shoulder from scooping and then throwing snow all the higher on those monster snowbanks. Yes, that was a winter I thought would never end, and now one decade later, here we are with near-summertime temps. Any of those who’re still in denial regarding global warming and climate change, had better stop listening to all that fake news.
My early morning appointment to show a home went about as well as expected, and unfortunately it ended up being another ‘fly-over’ for my buyer, but at least the more we look at, the better understanding he’ll have of our market, which I personally can’t get my brain wrapped around.
Since I was out on the east side, I decided to drive over to East Hy-Vee and pick up a few items I was needing, and of course I always have to check the specials and as chance would have it, they had 12 oz. packages of Jimmy Dean’s thick-cut bacon on sale for $1.99 which was one heck of a buy, but I could only buy two because of their 2 per customer limit. By my calculation, that bacon was more than half off the regular price, so having saved more than a few bucks, I purchased one of my favorite whole chickens which are truly all natural, because I definitely can taste the difference.
Once back to the office, I got myself fully prepared for two showings I had scheduled for this afternoon. The buyers wanted to see three, but after making a call, I discovered one of them had already sold, which was just fine by me because it likely would’ve been a waste of everyone’s time.
Now hating to even mention this, I must confess I have more waiting buyers for homes in various price ranges than I’ve ever had, which is becoming quite frustrating, and only because we’re either aced-out by multiple offers, or the homes get sold before we’re even able to look at them. Yes, it’s a seller’s market of sorts, but the downside of it all, is that some of those sellers are having to include in their listing contracts ‘subject-to the seller purchasing a home of choice’, which makes for uncomfortable situations with buyers because they’re fearful over waiting weeks on end before the sellers find something.
I ended up having a bit of an intense conversation with our city’s water department which had an order in to have the water turned off in the the street at the home we just closed on this past Friday. Thank goodness I managed to control myself while visiting with that clerk because I knew for a fact that the buyer had already been in contact last week with the water department. I ended up insisting that past-due bill would be paid once I got in touch with the seller’s relative who’s been helping with the bill-paying. I did leave a message with her, and thankfully she called back about 2 hours later saying she’d bill paid. The thing that really ‘got me’ over today’s fiasco, was our water department waiting until the last day before it was to be shut off to call me. Oh well, it’s just another example of how little critical forward-thinking people in those positions are in possession of. Now talking about it, I believe a shaming finger would be more appropriately directed at those in charge of that department. Because I know from first-hand experience back when I was working at a bank, bad management trickles down, and not up.
With about a half hour to spare, I went digging thru my many pages of hymns and managed to find one which I’d not played for a number of years, and only because it was likely written for a soloist or choir. As chance would have it, I did learn it about 10 years ago because a song leader had almost begged me to learn it so he could sing it during an Easter Sunday service. I was somewhat surprised how easily I played thru it after these many years. I’ll more sooner than later have to encourage that young male singer over at First Baptist Church to get it learned so I can have him sing it as a solo. I’m sure once he runs thru it several times, he’s gonna want to sing it.
I’m likely sounding a bit wicked when saying the opportunity to accompany a beautiful male voice, will be a long-overdue breath of fresh air for me. I don’t even want to ‘go there’ when saying how many times over the years I’ve had to accompany male singers who ‘thought’ they could sing, and unbeknownst to them, I finally had to let the ‘powers that be’ at the time know I wouldn’t be accompanying them any more. I still laugh to myself when remembering one of them telling me he sang classical music in a large choir while living in another city out of State. I’m sure those standing around him were instructed to drown out his off-pitch voice. Ouch! I have found it quite interesting over the years where oft-times there’d be people insisting they could sing but couldn’t, while others who’d sworn they couldn’t carry a tune, could.
Tonight’s One-liner is: If you haven’t got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me.