Considered Sacrosanct

Once I arrived at office and had all the mind-boggling news feeds read, I once again came to the conclusion many of our so-called educated citizens, have allowed themselves to be propagandized by all the many breast-beating, name calling and conspiracy weaving politicians we now have running for office, so if this trend of electing such people like Marjorie Taylor Green, Matt Gaetz and Lauren Boebert, we’re gonna have our House of Representatives appearing more like one of those old slapstick carnival road shows, but unfortunately after their nightly performances are over, they won’t be climbing back up into their wagons the next day and heading in the direction of another welcoming town. I still can’t believe Marjorie Taylor Green just recently told a reporter to “F@&# Off!” She definitely let the world know where and what she came from. I hope her constituency finally understands what type of person she really is and votes her out of office along with her like-minded buddies. Every time I look at her, she reminds me of a shaved ape wearing a blonde wig. Now come on, you have to admit she’s got a dead-ringer ‘monkey’ mouth, and definitely the limited intelligence of an ape. Do you think she’d settle down if you’d offer her a couple of bananas on a daily basis?

While at one of my appointments this morning, I couldn’t help sharing my thoughts on the direction our Country is moving when saying, “The absolute worst thing our government can have, is a super majority of either Republicans or Democrats, because that cuts out the giving and taking when making compromises which in the end, is best for all”. Of course my listener who’s exceptionally intelligent was forced to agree with me. I also went on to say our Country is long-overdue in having more than two major political parties. You can look at many of our European countries which have three and even four or more parties which in the end, create coalitions which allow for more compromising and the balancing of power. Even without saying a word, I knew my listener was in full agreement.

My first appointment was to go out and meet with a seller to get all the transfer documents signed, and while there, I discovered he at one time, worked at a long-ago closed drive-thru restaurant here in Mason City, and as chance would have it, I’d actually done a great deal of work for the extended family of its original owners, so we ended up sharing a few fond memories.

When I arrived back at office, I busied myself with making copies of what was signed, and then headed over to the bank with the originals, just so they had what they needed for Friday’s closing. While there, I sat and visited with the loan officer about this crazy market we’re in with extremely low inventories and waiting buyers. For sure they’re now not getting the business they were enjoying once the pandemic hit. Of course the spiking mortgage rates have been having an effect on our ‘first-timers’ buying power. Oh well, there’s nothing we can do other than acclimate and endure.

The abstract I’d been waiting for, finally arrived at office this morning, so I high-tailed it down to our abstract company with a ‘rush’ note on it. Hopefully with our slow market, they’ll get it updated and passed onto the title attorney soon enough so we’ll still be able to close it on time, and if it doesn’t, I’m sure I’ll be getting some flack from the selling agent. Oh well, I did all I could to get my hands on it.

Knowing I had to meet with another seller over in Clear Lake this afternoon, I decided to leave early, just so I’d have time to stop at their Fareway and pick up a few things. Of course I always have to compare their prices to Mason City’s, and almost always, I find noticeable differences. I almost never buy meat from their counter, but today I couldn’t help picking up a couple of pounds of chicken legs which were on sale for .88 cents a pound. The guy waiting on me was fine, but for whatever reason, a sassy associate walked over to me and said, “Three legs equal one pound.” I was taken all little aback, and after a pause I replied, “Well, it looks like I’ll have six legs to stand on.” As she was walking away, I could tell my joke wasn’t well received. Talk about a ‘post brain’! I did get a few laughs out of the cashier who was talking about age, so I asked how old she was, and she freely answered, “Fifty”, so I smiled and shook my finger while saying, “Well don’t you remember that old saying about if a woman tells you her age, she’ll tell you anything?” I was in shock when hearing her tell me it was first time she’d ever heard it. I wonder if this having to be so politically correct is robbing our general public of some really clever old sayings.

My meeting with the seller went very well, and after all the transfer docs were signed, we sat and had a nice visit before I left. I assured him I’d be back over again with his proceeds check in hand Friday morning. I’m exceptionally grateful that transaction’s finally coming to a close. For sure, that buyer got a home that’ll be maintenance free for years to come.

After I had all my office work taken care of, I called friend of mine whom I’d spoken with in months, so we spent a good hour visiting about today’s political climate which seems to be evolving into something even more toxic. We both agreed there’s little if nothing left in society that’s considered sacrosanct, and especially with the many who’re publicly politicizing their religion. That religious sign is still in the window of our County’s Republican Headquarters, so it looks like it’ll be there to stay until our elections are over in November.

Tonight’s One-liner is: To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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