It looks like these above average days are going to continue since today’s temps were hovering in the low 50’s, so let’s all hope and pray we don’t get some really bitter weather before Spring arrives because there’ll be a great many budding plants, flowers and trees that’ll be stunted. While driving around town, I could definitely see the aftermath of Sunday’s high winds and I’m sure having all those dead Green Ash trees with their weak branches, were contributing to the number of branch piles I was seeing.
I was delighted to find the sellers having accepted the offer I had on their acreage yesterday, and once I received the signed copies back in my email, I went ahead and called the buyers to share the good news. I’m quite convinced the timing of it all was meant to be. That’s gonna be one acreage I’ll definitely have to visit once they’ve got it transformed into a showplace. Good for them. Yes, getting that under contract ended up being the highlight of my day.
I had to take some time off and go digging for some vintage light fixtures for that project I’ve been working on, and in spite of there being a wide variety of them on the market, I’d rather use those well-made ones which still possess timeless designs and appeal, and having collected a number of them over the years, I figured I might as well put them to good use.
Today’s practice session with those two clarinetists went considerably better than the last one, and even to the point where we ran thru another piece which will be included in St. Paul Lutheran’s Easter Sunday music. We have one more session scheduled, and hopefully I’ll be comfortably up to speed with the main piece which has been a challenge for me from the very beginning. I can definitely play it, but because it jumps around quite a bit, I have to make sure my hands are in their correct positions to make those shifts without error.
I worked on three closing files today, and managed to get everything completed on my end, but since I’m needing documents from others, I’ll have to patiently wait for their delivery. If I get an OK on some numbers tomorrow, I’ll be able to run out and get the signatures I need from several sellers. Tomorrow’s Wednesday which means I’ll have only two days to get what I need before Friday’s closings arrive.
While sorting thru the online news today, I wasn’t the least bit happy when reading where our U.S. Senator Joni Ernst is insisting President Biden need not come to Congress to deliver his State of the Union address. My gosh, that’s been something our presidents have done for decades, but of course, she must be another one who’s been drinking D.T.’s Kool-Aid. My gosh! Are they any level-headed people left in the camps of Congressional Republicans? I’m coming to believe this new generation of lawmakers are vile-tongued narcissists who refuse to make any sort of compromises which would benefit everyone, while instead, wasting their time and energy in pursuit of new battle lines. Oh well, sooner or later the pendulum will be swinging back, but let’s hope our democracy is still intact when it happens.
While visiting with a tradesperson today, it was mentioned how frustrated a number of current tenants are who’re living in ‘The River’ apartments, and mostly because each time their leases renew, their rents goes up. I was shocked when he told me one of them is now paying close to $2,000 per month and the tenants still have to pay their own gas and electric.
If that figure I was told be indeed true, I won’t be surprised if there’ll be a great number of vacancies to fill in that complex, but just remember, they’re now taking applications on that monster build-out to the west of ‘The River’. I couldn’t help insisting Mason City is not a suburb of metro areas like Des Moines or Minneapolis/St. Paul, and definitely not even close to their income bases. It’ll be interesting what those apartment complexes are going to be looking like in say ten years.
While on the phone today with one who’s moving closer to possibly listing her home, I had to give her fair warning about making sure she had a place to go if it sold, and mostly because our inventories are that short, and knowing where her home is located and the condition it’s in, it would more than likely get sold in a short period of time, which has been the cautionary remark I’ve been making to a number of sellers these recent months. Yes, there’s definitely a shortage and no end of it in sight.
Tonight’s One-liner is: The man who does more than he is paid for, will soon be paid for more than he does.