I’d Steer Away

As much as I was hoping the wind would go down with the sun last night, we had it blowing again today, but at least not like it was yesterday, so hopefully it’ll be even more calm tomorrow so our temps can rise enough to where they’re more endurable.

Another problem furnace call came in this morning, but at least my favorite furnace technician came rushing to the rescue. I discovered again where some of our high-efficiency furnaces do not like those heavy-duty furnace filters which can keep them from getting enough air flow, which in turn will cause them to shut down, just like they will if your filters are long-overdue to being changed. Yes, today’s furnaces have a number of electronic sensors which are supposed to keep us safe from more dangerous malfunctions. It was the third time in the past several years where I’ve encountered such a problem, so be careful not to purchase filters which are supposed to keep the air in your homes more clean, as you may end up with furnace problems. Just thought I’d pass it along.

After I got my early morning duties at office taken care of, I changed my clothes and headed over to the project I’ve been working on, and as much as I wanted to have more completed than I did, nearly every ten minutes my phone would send it’s normal ‘beeb’ to let me know I’d received a text message. Oh my goodness! I can’t begin to count how many messages I received from the Republicans who’re running for President, which I’d delete and then block as soon as I’d discover where it was coming from.

I did finally receive a call from a prospective seller whom I called several weeks ago regarding the listing of her home. She’s getting closer to having it readied, and since I’ve known her and family a number if years, we had an extended chat regarding the condition of our State and our Nation. She’s exceptionally well-educated, and has done a great deal of traveling over the years, and not to my surprise, she quietly said, “Considering the direction our country is moving, this is the first time in my life, I’m glad I made a choice not to have children.”

After we ended the call, I began thinking about how true her words were, along with the lack of forethought many parents and grandparents have when doing and saying things which will in the end, affect the lives of those whom they’re supposed to love. Three women out of my past suddenly came to mind, and all three of them made absolutely no attempt at setting good examples for their children.

The interesting thing about those three, one of them has two adult children who’ve never married and are long past the normal ages of having a family. Another one has two children, but again, one of them is long past having children, and the second, is married, but the wife does everything she can to keep her two children distanced from ‘granny’. The last, which has only one child who married young, changed religions and always seems to be stuck in the past. Having crossed paths with the daughter several times over the years, I was reminded of what my grandmother used to say which was, “There’s nothing worse than none, but one.”, and believe me, I could definitely see how that could be considered a true statement with that woman.

When now only speaking of three out of the many we all know, I believe more children coming out of families where one or both parents were hell-bent on chasing the ‘Almighty Dollar’, or busy indulging themselves in their own self-centeredness, it comes as no surprise when seeing the end results of such dysfunctional families.

Getting back to those three women, I dare say not one of them would blame themselves for the flawed characters of their children, as they’ve likely over the years blamed either their siblings, parents or spouses for the failings of their children. One of them, actually told a friend of mine that her mother was a sex maniac, which was likely why one of her children was having similar issues. Wow. Talk about blame games.

Not too many weeks ago, I encountered a most delightful young family where there were two boys and one girl, and they all appeared to be ‘stair-steps’ in age. I couldn’t help mentioning how charming their entire family was, along with encouraging them to guard the innocence of their children, and only because the minds of our young are like sponges, and even though many adults don’t believe their children remember events which could’ve been avoided, believe me, they do, which is one reason I’m thankful for having been raised on a farm where there wasn’t much if any, outside interferences by those who were eager to expose my innocence to things which could’ve had unfortunate lasting effects. Yes, we must always be exceptionally careful not to create bad impressions or life-long bad memories with our young.

Someone asked me today if I was going to go to the caucuses, and my response was a knee-jerk “No way!”, and for the main reason being, I definitely did not want to be ‘huddled’ in with a large group of people out at the high school where I’m sure there’ll be people unknowingly spreading Covid, and a number of other nasty ‘bugs’ which’ve overly-populated our clinics and hospitals. Talk about the worst time and place to be having a political caucus.

I definitely would’ve liked being a mouse in a corner, as I’m sure there’ll be people there whom I personally know, and I’ll wager some of them’ll be promoting those candidates I’d steer completely away from. We’ll see how DeSantis makes out tonight, as he’s been our Governor’s ‘golden boy’, and if he doesn’t make a big splash, there’ll be egg her face.

Tonight’s One-liner is: Back when I was young, every time I would open my mouth to sing, people would pay attention to me, so I started making it a habit.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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