Psychotic Jealousy

Our near day-long rain was welcome, but the gray and gloomy skies weren’t, but at least I was able to stay indoors and get some additional research and desk-work completed. After having the lighting changed in my personal office, I’ve discovered it to be a comfortably soft work environment. Like always, it seems to take me a bit longer to get things the way they should be.

One of my long-term clients called and asked for some additional help with getting some housing secured, so I went ahead and gave him the contact names and numbers for those units, so hopefully he’ll find what he’s needing.

Since I hadn’t spoken to my dear friend in well over a week, I placed a call to her, just we could bring each other up to speed on what’s been happening in our lives. The bulk of our conversation centered around all these bat-shite crazy politicians, along with those horrible happenings in Israel. I could tell in her voice how worried she is over it turning into a global conflict where in the end, nobody’ll win.

I also had to share a creepy-cool experience that took place today which centered around my having strong thoughts these past two days about a woman I’d worked with months ago who was having some health problems, and because I kept getting ‘poked’ with thoughts of her, I sent her a text early this morning, just to see how her health issues have been. Well, I received a text back from her saying she was in the hospital and doing much better after a surgery she had just yesterday. Now what a coincidence was that? I went ahead and text her back saying I’ll continue to keep her on my contemplative prayer chain. As my dear friend and I have both agreed, selfless prayers are far more effective than most would ever realize, and you can bet the both of us will be praying for the end of that war between Israel and the Hamas.

A woman who’s been working at readying her house for the market, called today and asked if I would help in getting the process moving along, so after making a few calls today, it looks like I’ll be delivering some pieces of furniture to one of our local charities the first of next week. Since I’ve known that family for a very many years, I felt it to be the least I could do for them. Yes, a friend in need, is a friend indeed.

For lunch today, I had a half of one of my super delicious yellow-centered watermelons, which definitely hit the spot on such a dreary day. There’s no doubt I’ll be planting even more of them next year due to their high demand. The kind notes of thanks I’ve been getting from their recipients have been heart-warming. Just today, several elderly ladies came up to me and thanked me for the peppers I delivered to their senior community earlier this week. One of them asked how I managed to get them to be so large, and my comical answer was, “I talk to my plants often regarding their needs, and mostly because they don’t sass me back or argue with me like you humans do.” Oh, the looks I got. Too funny!

For whatever reason, I was so rudely interrupted by text messages this afternoon, and in spite of my attempting to get it stopped, it seemed to continue on, but thankfully after it was all over, I just considered the source and moved-on. To this day, I still can’t get my brain wrapped around the idea that some in our general public, give themselves the license to go on the attack. There’s no question a great many people in our world are living in alternate universes where past happenings are turned upside-down. Of course to this day, I absolutely hate it when people start in with their name-calling, along with their drawing obscure metaphysical similarities with others.

I had to meet a Realtor over at Prairie Place on 1st this afternoon, just so I could give that agent’s buyer a full tour of the building. All in all, I believe it went very well, so perhaps we’ll have a buyer for that unit. Gosh it was nice to have some free time to visit with the handful of residents who were in the community room. I did mention to the buyer and agent that out of all the condo complexes I’ve sold over the years, by far, Prairie Place on 1st has the most sharing and caring residents to where I don’t believe any of them quarrel amongst themselves.

Since I had to make a quick stop at a groceteria before heading home, I ended up running into another past client whom I’d not seen in several years, so we stepped aside and had a good chat about the happenings in our lives since we last spoke. Having known each other for years on end, I couldn’t help admitting that I’ve finally come to the realization that ‘like’, truly attracts ‘like’, and if those ‘likes’ are mirroring the goodness we all have within, we’re drawn all the closer, but once another from the ‘outside’ whom we seem to sense being dissimilar, it becomes almost a knee-jerk reaction to distance and/or insulate ourselves against them. Yes, that realization was a long-time coming as well. It’s almost in a Biblical sense to where we dust-off our shoes of their existence, and then keep walking in opposite forward-moving directions. Now when I say ‘forward-moving’, I mean it not just in a physical, but more-so in a mental/spiritual sense. Give it a try, and you’ll soon find how well it works.

With the weekend around the corner, I made sure all the music I was given to play over at St. Paul Lutheran was in order and fully practiced. I’ve decided to put another old recipe to use and bake something to share with their after-Services coffee they have every Sunday. This one will contain some of the black walnuts I cracked, so hopefully it’ll be well received. Gosh, don’t we just love doing those little selfless things for others, just to make sure we’re still God’s children?

Tonight’s One-liner is: It’s amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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