For whatever reason, I’d awakened earlier than normal, so I figured it best to ready myself for another Sunday and skedaddle to office where my darkened contemplative corner was waiting for me.
Just as I turned the corner onto my block of North Federal, I was quickly reminded just how dark that stretch is now, and since our days are getting shorter, let’s hope our City gets those street lights re-installed, and soon. About a half block away, I could see a ghostly figure walking his dog, and I’m sure he must’ve been feeling a bit like a cat feeling itself around.
With it being so early, I definitely had a good contemplative prayer session, and only because there was absolutely no disturbing noise coming from either the front street or Commercial Alley. Speaking of alley, I had to remind the businessman I was visiting with yesterday that Commercial Alley is a designated street because there still are businesses with that address, and when looking back in our 1920’s City Directory, there were many more doing business on Commercial Alley, so there you are, it’s a street with any alley name.
Oh, I forgot to mention my finally being able to keep that evil force from pestering me while in my prayer session, and only because it’s been a number of weeks since its last appearance. I’d say my prayers to keep it away were finally answered. To this day, I have no clue as to why it decided to start annoying me.
After my session was over, I placed a call to my dear friend, just to see how she’s been these past days, and the main subject of today’s conversation, centered around the noticeable traits we’ve seen in general bloodlines, and since we’re related of sorts by marriage, we had many we both knew from the past who had physical quirks as well as personality issues. Having worked with my mother a very many years ago, she insisted I don’t resemble my mother that much, but I did have to say I have her eyes, her mouth, and when I was younger, a more bubbled bottom. The funniest thing, out of all of us children, there were only two of us that inherited her bottom, and the other was an older sister. I’m sure if I started gaining weight, some of it would end up in my rear end.
I couldn’t help bringing up morphic resonance when talking about relatives, and after we both offered up examples of its presence in our families, there’s no question it exists no matter what the so-called experts say. Coming from a very large family, I could go on and on with examples. Since she mentioned how much I act like my mother, I had to admit that I never really considered such a thing until after she died, and then one day it hit me like a ton of bricks. I guess all these years, I never paid much attention, but after her death, it became very evident. Not to worry, she was a dear one who had her personal standards, and demands that were not to be compromised, especially when it came to religion and decorum.
After our visit was over, I proceeded to get my music together and head over to First Congregational Church, just so I would have time to get some practicing done since I hadn’t played over there for some weeks. I also opened up their grand piano and practiced a little on it as well. The action on it is markedly different, so I had to get myself more comfortable with it because I decided to sing and play a hymn for them as their prelude.
The prelude went well, and it must’ve been to their liking because they all clapped after I finished, and even the speaker came out and said how beautiful it was, which I thought was a tiny exaggeration. Just before the visiting pastor announced the closing song, he turned to me and thanked me for today’s music, and just as I was walking out, he also added, “I hope you’re playing the next time I’m invited again to preach here.” Yes, everything went better than I’d expected which was a relief. I did bring some homemade treats for them to share with their coffee in their community room.
By the time I got back to office it was nearing the Noon hour, so I changed into my work clothes and did some weeding in my garden, pulled some extra-large and most beautiful carrots and then gathered up some bell peppers which were on stems which had broken off from yesterday’s wind. Thank goodness there weren’t that many broken because they’re now nearing their size and color for picking. I’m still in shock over their size.
Once my gardening was over, I headed back to my little/big project and worked for several hours until I was wringing wet from exertion, and since it was getting late, I called it quits for the day.
Oh, I forgot to mention my having picked up a large number of red oak acorns which I’ll be planting before the ground freezes. Of course I’ll have to keep those vile squirrels from digging them up and eating them. It comes as no surprise when seeing very few oaks growing to any size in our area, and only because just these recent years, I discovered those evil deer will eat oak seedlings to the ground, yet leave the ‘trash’ tree seedlings alone. I do hope the number of deer hunters in our area, double in size because we have got to get the head count of those deer back down to where they belong. Because we had such a dry summer, most of the oak tree seedlings I planted last Fall didn’t make it thru that hot and long dry-spell we had. Oh well, at least I tried. Thank goodness I have ten left which I’ll be digging up and re-planting in those spots.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Hunting after happiness is like hunting after a lost sheep in the wilderness, and when you finally find it, the chances are, it’s only the skeletal remains.