With the full moon having taken place last night, I made sure to get a good shot of it early this morning which I have posted as tonight’s photo, but unfortunately I didn’t see a half-dozen witches I know on their brooms flying in front of it. Perhaps I’ll catch a glimpse of at least one of them the next time our moon is full.
When I arrived at office, the very first thing on my agenda, was to get the acreage I listed yesterday, fully disseminated out into the cyber-universe. I did get several calls saying how good it looked, which I took as a great compliment. Not long after noontime, I checked Zillow’s statistics on it, and it was stating that there’d been over a hundred views and six ‘saves’, which meant there’s interest. As most of us Realtors know, the big buying time of acreages takes place during the first six months of the year, yet still selling the remainder of the year, but not as quickly, so we’ll see what these coming days bring. I personally would give my eye teeth for that bigger building. Can you imagine how much it would cost to build one like that with today’s prices?
Once I had my new listing posted, I busied myself with my first of the month accounting and banking, along with making several personal stops while I was out. The weather today was kinda weird in that it felt almost like it wanted to rain, and for sure there’s still smoke in the air because my eyes begin to water a little bit if I’m outdoors too long. You can definitely still see a haze in the air.
One of my long-time clients called today and asked if they could see a home that was recently listed, so I got it set up and met them later at the house. Oh my goodness! I figured it was going to be a waste of time, but I didn’t realize how much of a waste until I stepped in and did a quick walk-thru before they arrived.
Just as they were strolling up the sidewalk, I stepped out and said, “I’m afraid we’ve wasted our time, but come on in and have a look for yourselves.” They walked thru the living room, the dining, and then into the kitchen, and that’s when one of them said, “We’ve seen enough.”, which I couldn’t help agreeing. Of course wicked me had to add, “I’m going back down in the basement to shut lights off, and if I don’t come right back up, call 911.” Yes, it was that bad, but the scariest part, were those super-steep steps going down which had me feeling like I was descending down an eight foot ladder front-ways. I did promise them better if only they remain patient.
Since I was already out, I decided to stop at a groceteria to pick up a few items I needed, and while there, I ran into a past client, so we had a nice aisle-side chat regarding the happenings in our lives, and having not spoken with her in a good five years, I brought her up to speed with the events which had taken place since we’d last spoken. I didn’t sugar-coat anything I told her, and only because she was in high school the same time several of my older siblings were in attendance. The real shocker was when I told her what had taken place late last year. My only response to her surprise was, “Whenever there’s a combination of jealousy and greed involved, scruples are out the window.” The real jaw-dropper was when I told her that one of those involved, posthumously accused my mother of being a sex maniac. For me, that was the last straw. Yes, there are some really wicked people running around who get their jollies in the worst of ways.
Another gripe I’m going to make known, is this dirty little habit some of my colleagues are getting into where they’re not reporting sold homes as being either ‘pending’ or ‘active contingent’ which is basically saying a home is under contract. Just today, I got a text from a buyer I’ve been working with who asked about a particular home that was showing active for sale, which I’d also called about back in mid-July for the same reason. Well, I get another response from the listing agent saying, “It’s under contract but still allowing showings for back-up offers.” Of course when I relayed that message back to my buyer, he wasn’t the happiest about being made to believe it was still up for grabs. I’m getting the feeling that some of our agents aren’t posting their listings as having accepted offers, just so they can play the ‘bait and switch’ game with prospective buyers who’re calling on them. Like I’ve said before, we seem to be living in the wild, wild north where just about anything goes.
With some time to kill this afternoon, I read a few more pages of ‘War and Punishment’ which is certainly quite the in-dept history of Russia’s beginnings. Did you know that in the circles of the real historians, Russia was pretty much a by-product of the Viking conquests. Of course Russia’s propaganda machine even back then, wouldn’t hear of such a thing because they wanted everyone to believe they were from Imperial Roman stock. You can rest assured there was a great deal of censoring going on all the way back to the Dark Ages and before, so I guess if you can spin enough yarns for a long enough time, people will start believing them.
Early this morning, I delivered another bulging bag of British cucumbers to a person who’s able to put them to good use for a number of needy folks. She said her favorite is to create a tomato, cucumber and onion salad out of them which is topped with a light dressing. It sounded pretty yummy to me. Gosh I’m glad they’re not going to waste.
My garden as a whole, is still struggling with our dry conditions, and if we don’t get the predicted rain this weekend, I’ll have to start watering again, and especially those beautiful bell pepper plants I started from seed. There’s ten I purchased at a store which I planted in a separate plot around the same time, and wouldn’t you know, the ones I started from seed are looking far better. We’ll see what the end products look like.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Truly, it’s in darkness where one finds the light, so when we’re in sorrow, the light is shining the nearest.