An Absolute Must Watch

Another beautiful day in North Iowa arrived, and when looking at the calendar, I suddenly realized we have only three more days left of the month of June. Where have those days so quickly gone? Oh well, we can’t make time stand still, which is why we must work at making the best of each and every day, which again is why I so much dislike having time heavy on my hands.

When the hour of eight arrived, I headed down to my favorite glass shop and picked up those two mirrors which were re-purposed from a much larger one, and since I asked them to give me back what was left, I now have another fairly large piece which I may again be putting to use on some future project. I can’t wait when both of those pieces are completely finished-up and in place. There’s no doubt that vintage black walnut medicine cabinet is going to be the frosting on the cake with that bathroom, and only because it fits well with the other fixtures, as well as being a unique piece we rarely find in today’s bathrooms.

Most of my morning was spent cleaning up my office email account, getting some bookwork done, along with paying a visit to a local bank. It seemed no matter how little time I was outdoors, those vile gnats were buzzing around my face to the point I couldn’t even stop and talk to passersby whom I knew, and only because they just wouldn’t leave me alone. There has to have been one or two things that took place in our area to create their non-stop onslaughts. I had a passing thought that it was possibly because we were having overly-dry conditions, but even after the rain we got, they’re just as bad.

I had to place a call to one of the ‘powers that be’ over at St. Paul Lutheran, just to make sure I was still scheduled to play this coming Sunday, and only because I didn’t receive the list of songs I normally do on the Monday before. I was told I’m still scheduled and she would look into why I’d not received them. Well, about two hours later, I found they’d emailed them to me, so all was well. I will have to go digging early tomorrow morning for another hymn I’d not played for them in the past, and after I found it on YouTube, I quickly discovered it’s a secular song which they re-skinned its name and then added religious lyrics. Just these recent years, I was fully brought up to speed regarding how often the various denominations actually have done it.

I’ve inserted a link below which was forwarded to me several days ago by a friend, which happens to be a YouTube interview with a gentleman who was one of the first developers of AI, and in spite of it being nearly two hours long, it’s an absolute must watch, and only because he wants the entire world to understand that we’re very close to possibly creating humanity’s extinction. Several times while listening to him, I had chills running up and down my arms, and likely because I was already sensing what our world may be like in the very near future.

Ex-Google Officer Finally Speaks Out On The Dangers Of AI!

Just to give you an example, they’re convinced, AI in not so many months, will be many hundreds of times more intelligent than the anyone alive, and the ramifications of having a human-created entity being able to likely figure its way out of even the most sophisticated of computer ‘prisons’, that’s all it’ll take is one of those AI programs to go rogue, which will likely be the confirmation of Steven Hawkins’ prophesy regarding the possible extinction of the human race, and all due to AI.

Just consider how many people are seated before their computers, or having their smartphones in hand, who’re playing around with Google’s AI program as if it’s some sort of game. Well, that’s all we’re doing is enabling it to acquire all the more knowledge, and just remember, knowledge is power, but unfortunately most people can’t see past tomorrow, which is why the entire population of our world, has got to understand we’re walking around with matches in one hand, and a gas can in the other.

I’ve heard several times that China is on a burn to get their AI perfected, and likely put to the task of controlling their population even more, but unfortunately, their leaders are also lacking in critical forward-thinking, while the rest of us are too busy trying to keep our heads above water, instead of looking to see what those power-hungry corporate and government minds are up to.

There’ve been a number of people who’re working at going off the grid, where they’ll not have cell phones, internet, or any other electronic devices that are tied-into all those main-frame computers we call the ‘cloud’, but little do they know, that once AI becomes so embedded in our lives, they’ll go looking for those who’ve turned away. Mark my words, it’ll be something very much akin to the scariest of sci-fi movies we’ve watched. I’m afraid our world will soon be a hybridized version of ‘Star Trek’, ‘The Minority Report’, and ‘The Matrix’, so if you’ve seen all of them, you know exactly what I’m talking about. As Judy Garland said in ‘The Wizard of Oz’, “We ain’t in Kansas anymore.” It’s no wonder so many of my elderly clients and customers have said how happy they are that they’ll not be here that much longer, and likely because they’re also sensing what lies ahead.

If you don’t have a two hour time slot to watch it, just put it on pause, and go back to it when you have time, and only because I almost insist that all of you my loyal and faithful readers.\, watch it in its entirety, and for the good of yourselves and humanity, please share it with all your friends, associates, relatives, and even a few perfect strangers, and only because we have to get the word out about how quickly this is all happening, and just as a reminder, it was all started by corporate greed and controlling government entities.

My mid-afternoon appointment was to do an inspection of a home that’s owned by someone who lives out of town, and when I got there, her handyman was waiting to show me around. Right away I mentioned my having been in the home a number of years ago, so I was left to give it a full inspection without having someone helicoptering me.

After giving it a good looking-over from stem to stern, along with making all the necessary notes, I visited a little with the worker, and then headed back to office, just so I could place a call to the seller, just so I could share my thoughts on the best direction to take for an optimum value out of it. With that said, by the time I hung up, she was fully brought up to speed on what needs to be done, and I believe she’ll be getting those improvements made. Hopefully, she’ll get it done more sooner than later, because nobody knows when our market’s going to turn-around. While walking around outdoors, I actually fell in ‘like’ with its location, in spite of being un-relentlessly dive-bombed by those gnats.

With about a half hour to kill before it was time to close up shop, I went over to my piano and ran thru the hymns I was given to play this coming Sunday, just so I’d have them down pat more sooner than later.

While at Hy-Vee this afternoon, I discovered they’d recently hired a security person to help curb the amount of shoplifting that’s been on the rise, and from the sounds of it, his presence is making a difference. I know fully-well how this rising rate of thievery in North Iowa, is having an impact on all of us. It’s no wonder so many brick and mortar stores are closing in the metro areas, and all due to their financial losses created by thieves. What’s this world coming to?

Tonight’s One-liner is: In a world of niches, we are enchained by our own consumer preferences.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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