Late last evening, I received a call from a ‘reli’ whom I hadn’t spoken with in weeks, just to find out how my out of town meeting went which took up nearly my entire morning yesterday. We had a long, yet soulful chat about some of those topics, and then began making comparisons of certain mindsets in our own bloodlines, which when standing back far enough, we could both see a generational ‘bleeding thru’ of character flaws, and thank goodness, we didn’t get cursed with them. I also had to mention my having noticed another ‘reli’ now doing something which came as no surprise, and only because she’s had a life-long history of jealousies towards those who are noticeably more intelligent that she is, and wouldn’t you know, her new-found affiliate is just as pumped-full of jealousies as she is, so I reminded her of that old saying, “Like attracts like.” Those two make a perfect package of greed and jealousy which some day is going to be part of their pathetic ends. Yes, we did get a few laughs when talking about ‘The Squirrel’s Club’ and ‘The Minute Man’, but that’s entirely another story I’ll likely share in the future.
Since today officially offers up the most sunshine hours, I just happened to get out even earlier, just to see if I could take a photo of the rising sun, but with all the trees and buildings we have which are blocking the early morning sun, I had to drive out into the country to get a better shot, but unfortunately, the sun had already come up, so I just went ahead and took a photo of it in spite of my having missed its breaking over the horizon.
While driving home on Hwy. 65, there were four crows ahead which were hurriedly pecking away and at a bloody roadkill, and knowing they always manage to fly away before I arrive at such scenes, I just kept driving as if nothing was there. Well, I must announce for the first time in my life, a full-grown crow managed to hit my right door column as it was trying to fly off. Oh my gosh! What a sight for sore eyes! In my rearview mirror I could see it doing mid-air summer salts and then plopped spread-eagle on its back, and in less than a second or two, those three remaining crows were going nuts as they were likely trying to revive a most certainly deceased member of its family. Knowing how clever those devils are, I’m still in dis-belief I hit it. For a moment I thought it would possibly be alive, but then I realized that I was going at least 55 miles an hour, so I’m pretty sure it died from the impact. The moral of the story is: Take care you don’t start developing a taste for roadkills, for some day you may become one.
Unfortunately, I ended up having a not so pleasant conversation with a contractor, and only because he was getting sassy and definitely rude, so I basically told him I wasn’t going to stand there and listen to his sour-mouthed attitude. Well, when another worker drove up, he finally settled down enough to where I could have a half-way normal conversation. I’ve had my suspicions there’s some issues going on with that guy, but I dare not mention what I have been sensing. All I can say is, “We all make the beds in which we must sleep.”, and leave it at that.
With some time to spare, I placed another call to an out of State client whom I’d not spoken with for some time, and only to give him an update regarding the happenings in our ‘fair’ City. Since we’d not talked about Southbridge Mall in many months, I touched on the idea of walking down there today and taking photos of all those empty storefronts. With him insisting that I do it, and then forwarding them on to him, as soon as I got off the phone, I locked up the office and walked down with camera in hand.
It must’ve been approaching the hour of eleven when I got there, and since I hadn’t been in that building for likely over a year, I was shocked to find it far more deserted than I was expecting, and believe it or not, only one elderly person was walking there. I didn’t bother counting the ’empties’ but without a doubt, at least 75% – 80% of them are closed. Now tell me. Why in the world would our City agree to co-sign on a loan at Clear Lake Bank and Trust, for that eye-sore? You know, it’s already in the cards as to what’ll be happening, and it ain’t gonna be what they were expecting. We absolutely Do Not need another money-pit which we the taxpayers have to support, and don’t even get me started on the financial drain that stupid arena has placed on our City. I still don’t understand why Dr. Lala got an award for being the spearhead in getting that arena built, because as far as I’m concerned, it should’ve stayed out at the fairgrounds. Oh, and have you noticed, they’re gonna have a cage-fighting show next month down there. How much more barbaric can you get? Oh that’s right, there’s now a disgusting online craze over watching monkeys being tortured. If you you haven’t seen the movie ‘Idiocracy’ yet, please download and watch it, because after you’re finished, you’ll start seeing the similarities with today’s society. More and more, some of the experts are saying the humans on our planet, are entering a devolutionary phase. Pretty scary.
Earlier this week, I stopped over to the library to get some research done, and since there were some things I couldn’t personally find, I requested some additional assistance from them. Well, today I received a more than helpful email containing bits and pieces of what I was looking for, so after giving it a full review, I discovered there was another direction which had to be taken, just to get more clarity. The woman who’s been assisting me, has been more than helpful which I thanked her for. Now you see, there still are some very helpful people living in our midst. Once I have all the information collected and verified, I’ll be sharing it with all of you in the future.
With no rain in the offing, I’ll be out early tomorrow morning to give my garden a good watering. Oh I forgot to tell you. For the first time in decades, I have a pair of catbirds nesting nearby. They’re so terribly fun to watch.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Patience is the companion of wisdom.