Winter Motorbiking In 1916

Forget about Spring because I believe Summer has already arrived considering how hot it was outdoors today. My vehicle’s thermometer is pretty accurate, and while driving around the downtown today, it was registering above eighty degrees. Don’t you think that’s just a bit too warm for the 8th of May? It’s no wonder nearly all the farmers have their corn planted earlier than normal.

My morning was filled with the last of my end-of-the-month accounting and bill paying, so at least I should have everything up to date until the first of another month rolls around. I’ve been noticing of late, more of these checks I send out which are then converted to a computerized debit, are off a penny or two, which I always have to go digging for, and today I found another one which was incorrectly done by Alliant Energy.

While out, I stopped to see one of my clients who’s working on the restoration/update of his home. He’d asked me last week if I had time to give me opinion on changes he’s wanting to make, so I made sure to stop today, and pretty much all we talked about, was lighting, colors and flooring. He’s one of the rare ones who truly listens to my advice, and mostly because he’s fully aware that I’m far more familiar with what today’s buyers are wanting in the homes they’re purchasing. For sure, he’s on a fast-track in getting it up and running.

When knowing I’ll be needing paper lawn bags real soon, I headed over to Fareway and purchased a bundle, just so I’d have them on hand. While at the register, I turned around and there stood one of my long-time client/customers who’d stopped to pick up groceries during his lunch hour. Our relationship spans a good twenty-five years or more, and since I haven’t seen him or his wife for nearly two years, I followed him out to his vehicle while bringing him up to speed with all the really crazy things that’ve happened on the personal side of my life. I normally don’t talk about such stuff with the regulars, but since the both of them are really good people who’ve shared their problems with me, I felt he needed to know. Yes, there was a jaw-drop more than once as I was filling him in on the particulars, and especially when I told him about what a really dirty-birdie did to me late last year, and only because that person’s blind hatreds and deep jealousies finally surfaced. I know he was feeling a bit sorry for me, which is why I said, “Don’t worry about me because I’m over it all, but you can be sure it’ll never be forgotten.”

Just as I was walking back into my office, a curious young man stopped to ask directions, and when he discovered I was the owner of Holtz Realty, the subject of the fire over at the Kirk Apartments was brought up, and only because he’s about as heartbroken as I am over the loss of that historic structure. He then asked if I knew when they were going to open up Federal Avenue again, and all I could say was, “I think it’s gonna be much longer than even the most conservative estimates given, and only because there’s likely asbestos in that burnout which’ll have to be handled by those who’re certified to remove it.” Yes, we had a good chat and glad I could point him in the right direction of where he was headed. Unfortunately, the signage at the rear of our buildings, isn’t the most outstanding.

With having everything caught up at office, I decided to change my clothes and get some much-needed mowing done at a property, so that job ended up consuming the remainder of my afternoon hours. Oh my goodness, what a workout that was. I was certainly glad I was wearing light clothing and had my brimmed hat on, because that sun was hot, and by the time I’d finished, I was wringing wet. At least I won’t have to be mowing this weekend. While out there, I noticed two near-completely dead green ash trees, and one of them I’ll be having to have cut down and hauled away, but there’s a big Bertha green ash not far away, which is almost on its way out, but luckily that’ll be a job for our City workers. For sure, they’ll be blocking off the street to get that one down.

I don’t know about any of you, but my cellphone has been getting inundated with political text messages which are really out there, and you can be sure, each and every one of them I’ve been blocking. What really creeped me out, was my having received in the mail last week, a flier from some guy who’s of Hindu parentage, that’s running for President in 2024. I looked him up, and believe it or not, he’s wanting the FBI, the IRS, and the Department of Education eliminated. Now how much crazier can people be if they’re looking at him as a viable candidate? Having him in the Oval Office, would open the doors of corruption even wider in our Country, and don’t think I’ve forgotten about our ‘dear’ Governor limiting the auditing powers of Rob Sand who’s our State’s Auditor, and now that it’s in effect, you can be sure the floodgates of fraud have been thrown wide-open in our own State. Shame on them!

I went digging in that old photo album last night which was gifted to me some years ago by a client, and the above picture post card immediately spoke to me. When I got a good look at the date when it was sent, I was shocked to see being the 1916. Now that was a long time ago. But what really struck me, was finding those three standing outside with snow on the ground. I guess we’re all now up to speed with what it must’ve been like to be winter motorbiking in 1916. All I keep thinking is, “How in the world did that guy keep from freezing his tail off while driving it.”, as well as wondering how he managed to stay on the road, considering how few if any roads were concrete or blacktopped. Can you imagine how much money that vintage motorbike would be worth today? It almost looks something like what Ray Quayle who’s our City Housing Inspector restored, but I think his is newer because today’s photo shows one that appears more primitive.

Tonight’s One-liner is: Poverty wants some, luxury many, and avarice all things.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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