Cluelessly Wandering Around

It would’ve been a near-perfect day if the wind didn’t start blowing again, along with our temps reaching above eighty degrees, which was definitely an about-face from what we were experiencing less than a week ago. Looks like these broad swings in temperatures are here to stay, and all thanks to global warming.

Most of my morning was filled with getting the two closings I have tomorrow, completely readied, so all I have left, is to do the final walk-thru’s with the buyers and go to closing. I’m going to remain confident all will be well with the both of them. I’m still in shock over that buyer having walked last week when we were but two days from closing. I’m sure there’ll be some lingering anxieties with me over that one.

I couldn’t help noticing all the commotion out at the front of my office with all the City trucks unloading concrete barriers from their dump trucks, which they were placing in a line along the curbside on my side of the street. I did finally go out and get the scoop on what their plans were, and after visiting with them, it sounds like they’re going to open up just the sidewalks on the opposite side of the street from the Kirk Apartments. I don’t know if it’ll happen, but one of them said the ‘powers that be’ want that building down and all cleared-off before Band Festival, which is the end of this month. Let’s hope it happens, just so we can all get back to doing business in a normal fashion.

I’ve been somewhat surprised that my office hasn’t been getting more inquiries on rental units available, so all those homeless tenants from the Kirk Apartment burnout, must’ve found housing. Good for them.

When visiting with my dear friend this morning, we spoke about the increases in taxes, insurance, utilities, along with goods and services. Yes, those who’re on fixed incomes, are the ones that’ll be suffering the most, because those Social Security cost of living increases, aren’t near enough to make up the differences. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the spiking prices for basic cable. Now that we have MetroNet digging holes all over the City, I can assure you, they’ll also have teaser promotions, just to get you hooked up, but after they’ve expired, they’ll be right back up to where all the other cable pirates have their rates. If I’m not mistaken, I swear I read someplace where our City is going to be getting a cut out of what MetroNet takes in, which is likely why they allowed them to come here and start digging in the first place. Isn’t it remarkable how one hand feeds the other in communities which are basically out in the hinterlands of America? Forget about the wild, wild West, I’m more fearful of the wild, wild North Iowa where you can get away with anything.

Someone quizzed me today about the locations where Holtz Realty had their offices over the years, and for the strangest reason, the one asking, had completely forgotten about the Central Block on North Federal where I first started working for Holtz Realty which was at 409 N. Federal. I even had to go pull out an old photo of Central Block before he finally remembered where it was. I fully remember that crazy buy-out which had the DOT involved, and only because they were straightening out that sharp curve near 5th St and N. Federal. I know there’s one person who was likely a temp working for the DOT, who somehow managed to stay behind and ended up getting a full time job with the City. Where have those 20+ years gone which seem like yesterday?

Just yesterday when in debate with someone over the crazy things our City’s Department heads are up to, along with our mayor, I had to quiet him down when reminding him that a prophet is never a prophet in his own land. I then insisted, “Are anyone of those in the upper positions in our City natives?” He wasn’t sure, so I went on to say, “Likely not one of them, which is why they managed to talk their way into those positions, yet nobody knows how real their credentials were.” I’m sorry, but we see it happening all over the Country. I’m fully aware of the greasing of letters of introductions and resume’s, because I dealt with that way back when I worked at a bank, and oft times getting pulled into the interviews of job prospects. My superior soon learned how easy it was for me to recognize a ‘greaser’, and only because my line of casual questioning, revealed more about that person, than the questions the others would ask, and likely because the applicants weren’t prepared for such questions. Yes, we’re all becoming too dependent on the fictitious information being supplied by those who’re looking for a free ride. Shame on them. Like I’ve said many times, words are cheap, yet actions speak.

With about an hour to kill, I went back on the attack of getting those vintage interior windows in my office fully cleaned. As I suspected, that one window had me laboring away at it for over an hour, and still not finished with it, so I’ll be back at it again whenever time allows. The panes I did mange to get spotless, are appearing far better than they have in years. I still can’t believe I’ve been officially working out of that office for thirteen years. Again I ask. “Where have those years gone?”

My late afternoon appointment was to assist with the showing of my new condo listing over at Prairie Place on 1st, and the only reason being, the buyer’s agent had never been in that building, so I didn’t want him cluelessly wandering around. The showing went well, so I’ll not be surprised if the buyer ends up making an offer on it tomorrow. She and son asked all the right questions, and fortunately, I had all the answers.

While there, I did manage to run into at least ten of the residents, and for whatever reason, they all looked younger and healthier, and so much so, I swear they were beaming with good health of mind, body and spirit. That’s what happens when you live in a community of people who truly care about each other. I bless them all.

Tonight’s One-liner is: Before judging, we must fully investigate.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur

Firstofall....JoeChodurreallydoesn'tliketalkingabouthimselfbutthisiswhatwehavefoundoutabouthim. more about: Joe Chodur

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