Another windy day arrived, and from what the meteorologists are saying, we’re gonna have a full week of it. I did notice it’s the jet stream wobbling again, so I guess we can be thankful it’s not happening in the dead of winter.
After arrival at office, I got myself situated for the day, and then placed a call to one of my clients, just to bring her up to speed on the recent happenings with her home, and from the looks of things thus far, I’d say another one of my listings will end up being sold before the weekend arrives.
My next duty, was to get that ‘historic’ Holtz Realty sign placed above my back door, and wouldn’t you know, several of my neighboring businesspeople had their own signs attached to their back doors. All of theirs appear temporary, but after I got mine mounted, it’s going to remain a permanent fixture. After I had it mounted, I went and got my camera and took the above photo if it, just so the world now knows what the back entrance of my office looks like.
Oh my goodness, did I ever get the compliments from those who’d arrived today, regarding how charming the rear entrance appeared to them. One of them even took a photo of the back gates which I personally designed and had created by a master blacksmith. They’ve certainly served their purpose this past decade with keeping people from trying to break into my building. Of course the security cameras, along with the bright light that goes on after dark, have also been good deterrents.
I had every intention of getting a wide sidewalk poured this Spring, but I’m still waiting for Alliant Energy to get back there and get the grade of the alley on my side lowered, and all because they screwed up on the elevations. Thank goodness there were photos taken as proof of their mistake. I’ll be glad when it’s done because I don’t want to go thru another winter with that frozen pond that forms every winter since they screwed up. Just this past winter, I just about had a hard fall on that ice, and ever-thankful I managed to catch-hold of my car door before I would’ve gone crashing down.
I smile to myself whenever someone asks me what that gold painted designs represent which I had welded into the circles of those gates. Some have thought they were four-leaf clovers, while others had no clue what they portrayed. Well, truth be told, they’re a primitive blow-up copy of a 9th or 10th Century Celtic cross which I took a photo of many years ago. At the time, I was deeply moved by the the sight of it, so I now have four reminders of it welded into those iron gates. I dare say a person would be hard-pressed to find such gates across the Midwest which wouldn’t even come even close to their design and appeal. Looking back, I must’ve been Divinely inspired. And yes, such inspirations have driven me to do other things which most would’ve walked away from.
The bulk of my day was filled with visitors, bill-paying, accounting, and working on files that’ll be closing the end of this workweek. There were several people who were pouring out their troubles, and one of them mentioning the recent unexpected death of a young man who was in his mid-twenties. I don’t know if any of you’ve been noticing how the death rates are rising with our young, and unfortunately, some of them have been suicides. One can only imagine what must go thru their minds to get them to the point of taking their own lives. Don’t think it’s specific to our Country, because it’s happening all over the world. My personal belief about what starts the suicide process in motion, is the sense of hopelessness which eats away at them to the point where they can’t bear it any longer.
I’d have to say I had a record number of people calling to inquire about rental housing today, and after listening to one of my clients this afternoon, what few are available right now, are grossly over-priced for what’s being offered. I’m now wondering if the rental barons are now jacking their rents up to cover the increase in real estate taxes and insurances they have to keep on them. Of course in the end, it always gets passed on down the economic ladder to those who’re struggling the most. I’m growing more concerned about our City’s housing market being controlled by a handful of housing despots. Don’t think those ticky-tacky apartments aren’t being controlled in a similar way. I still can’t believe the prices they’re charging.
Late this afternoon, I had to make a quick trip down to North Iowa Community Credit Union, and wouldn’t you know, their drive-up was already closed a good three minutes before the hour of five. I looked at the sign, and sure enough, they were supposed to be open until five. When I drive down there tomorrow morning, you can be sure I’ll be saying something to them about it. In a business like that, if you state you’re open until the hour of five, then stick to the time. Ugh! That was a waste of time and energy.
I received May Day gifts from several banks, and both of them were plants, so it looks like I’ll be doing some re-gifting. As chance would have it, one of them was a baby Jade plant, so I asked her, “Do you know how big they get?”, and her answer was, “I have no idea.” Well, I marched her up to the front of my office, just so she’d have a real-life look at their size. She actually took a photo of herself holding that baby next to one of my ‘giants’. Too funny.
One of my neighbors down the block, stopped by my office to alert me that the street out front will be closed for two weeks. After she said that, “I looked over to the Kirk Apartments and replied, “As much as we like to believe what we’re being told, it’s gonna take longer that two before that mess is cleaned up.” Last week we were told one week.
Tonight’s One-liner is: Every sin is the result of a collaboration.