As each one of these cold and dreary winter days pass, I long all the more for Spring to arrive where I can be outdoors again without having to be bundled up like an Eskimo, along with being able to get back to my outdoor projects and gardening. I’ve already received at least four seed and plant catalogs in the mail which I page thru from time to time.
When I arrived at office, my first Sunday duty was to get back to my darkened corner and begin my contemplative prayer session. Once I was fully settled-in, I went back to work at getting all those who are on my mental list of intentions, fully prayed for, and thankfully, that evil entity which started visiting me over a month ago, is finally fading away. For whatever reason, that nasty creature had something in mind which I wanted no part of. Yes, my sessions are finally returning to normal, and all likely thanks to a Divine Intervention or two. Let me tell you, there’s some nasty stuff out there which most people don’t even recognize.
Since I’m speaking of spirituality, I’m remembering a recent conversation with a dear one some months ago who spoke about a relative of hers who was in possession of those Chinese Fortune Telling Sticks which she believed is what sent that relative over the edge, and later dying at a relatively young age. She mentioned how she always had a bad feeling about those sticks, and rightly so after I told her about the dangers of playing with such stuff because they’re akin to those fortune telling Ouija Boards which I’m sure you remember me mentioning one of our great psychics saying those things are not meant to be played with, because they’ll more sooner than later, get you to open a door to evil you’ll likely not be able to get closed.
What makes those things all the creepier to me, is the fact that I personally know another who plays with those sticks on a regular basis, and each year, I’d been noticing that individual becoming all the more mentally/spiritually dark, to where I’d gotten to the point where I was hoping that person would never again darken my door. Just giving one example, that dark person began bringing up horribly inappropriate subjects about family and friends, to the point where I finally said, “I don’t want to hear anymore about such things.” Of course, there was a great offense taken, but that was just too bad, because I had to draw the line somewhere before I would’ve been inadvertently pulled down a dark hole. Some months earlier, I was actually encouraged to look for a set of those fortune sticks for myself. Yes, evil entities do enjoy pulling others in. Yikes!
Since I had a free day, I decided to take a drive up to Home Depot in Albert Lea, and purchase several items they had in stock which I was needing for a project I’m working on. Just to let you know, Menard’s isn’t the Mecca where you’ll find everything you need, because in the past, I have to order items they didn’t carry, but Home Depot did.
It was a pleasant trip up, and instead of taking I-35, I took Hwy. 65 which allowed for more pleasant views. When I got there, the parking lot was beginning to fill, but nothing like Menard’s on a Sunday morning, which allowed me to leisurely walk thru the entire store without having to brush past shoppers. Not only did I get what I needed, I managed to find a perfect-fitting pair of leather work gloves, and the moment I had them on, I decided to buy two pair, when knowing I normally have a pair worn completely out by the end of summer. Believe it or not, I’m always having to buy those that are cheaply made and not a proper fit.
On my way back, I spent some extra time in Northwood, just to see how well they’ve been doing this past year. I will say, their Main Street is looking all the more charming, and their housing districts appearing far cleaner than ours. Northwood has always been one of those County seats where they seem to alway be able to keep chugging along. Just remember, they have a grocery store, a Casey’s, a Dollar General, a newspaper, a cinema, restaurants, pubs, and the list goes on. I’ve always admired those grand historic homes gracing their streets.
Since it was already Noon by the time I arrived back in the City, I headed to Hardee’s to get a small burger which I took back to office and doctored up before eating. I was touched when the clerk said to me while handing me my sack, “We really appreciate your continued business.” Now how often does a person ever hear such words at a drive-thru? All I could think of as a response was, “Thanks. I do like your food, along with your convenient location.”
After having putzed around the office long enough, I headed back to my nut-cracking job, and there I was for a good three hours. You can bet I had a good deep-thinking session going on while I worked on those nuts, but unfortunately, I began remembering things which had taken place a very many years ago, and if I knew then what I know now, my choices would’ve been completely the opposite. Back in those days, I was not jaded enough, because I took what people would tell me, for face value, instead of looking for signs of hidden agendas. Yes, our lives are filled with many lessons, but unfortunately, there are those which have to be learned the hard way, but I do continue to remind myself, it’s all on them, and not me.
On my way home, I decided to stop for gas, and when I went inside to pay, I could hear the clerks talking about the homeless people we have living in North Iowa, so yours truly had to join in the conversation. Since I was the only customer there, we had an extended chat on the subject. We must always remember, every person counts, especially when they’re truly trying to get themselves back into the mainstream.
Tonight’s One-liner is: I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.