After looking at the weather last night, I figured it best to enjoy the day as much as I could because we’re in for another cold, and hopefully short spell of it. I did notice it being just a bit chillier this morning, and likely because the wind had changed directions and now out of the north.
It was a bit of a crazy day with back-to-back appointments and phone calls, but at least I was able to keep myself busy the entire time with real estate related tasks. While out and about, I did make sure to have my camera with me to take a few photos of the turning leaves. I had to make a quick trip home, and since I had my camera with me, I took a photo of my strawberry patch and long line of onions I planted late. I pulled three of them up, and not to my surprise, they were almost as big as my fist. Once I get them harvested, I’ll have to lay them out to dry and then hang them in a cool and darkened place for winter use.
Late this morning I listed a charming little home that would make a good first home or investment property. Not even a half hour after I had it online, I received a text from another agent wanting to show it tomorrow morning, and then before heading home, another agent called asking if he could show it this evening, which of course I gave both of them the green light.
The home is located at 224 – 12th St. SE which is about four blocks from Roosevelt School. It’s a small 2+ bedroom, but offers a heap of recent improvements including a newer furnace, thermal windows and permanent siding. The appliances that are there stay which is always a bonus. The over-sized single garage is newer and the concrete looks good. I noticed that someone must’ve had a very large garden in the rear yard which would be a great place to go “home-grown”. I’m hoping it’ll get sold quickly because our market still seems to be chugging along. We have it listed at a bargain-basement price of $44,500, so please put the word out. Truth be told, I’ve never had a home listed on 12th St. SE which I couldn’t get sold.
Since one of the sold units over at Prairie Place on 1st is closing next week, I made sure to get all the keys rounded up, along with the garage door transmitter, just so the buyer will have everything she needs come the day of closing.
We still have strong interest in the remaining unit, but the buyer wants to make sure all the financials are in order before making an offer which I fully understood. It’ll be nice to once again have a full house. As far as I’m concerned, this is the best time for our seniors to completely rid themselves of the winter fears that are created when having to endure the cold and snow, but most of all, the loneliness that comes from being trapped alone indoors for months on end. Over at Prairie Place on 1st, you can be as social as you want, or as private as you prefer.
On my way back from an appointment I had in Manly this afternoon, for some reason my thoughts started carrying me back a decade or more ago where I was immersed in not only my real estate job, but also the care-giving of several elderly people who’ve now long-passed.
I suppose the reason those good, bad, and indifferent thoughts came to mind, was because just recently I’ve been desperately in search of lost time which had slipped thru my fingers un-noticed. After opening one of those closed doors of memory today, I’m no longer wondering how and why those many years had vanished without a trace, because it was one long newsreel of short-clips of all the many episodes out of those years. At first I was a little sad that door opened, but now happy I’ll no longer be looking for answers regarding those lost years of my life.
Unfortunately there were others who’d appeared in that long newsreel whom I’d systematically expunged over time, and mostly due to the toxic drivel coming out of their mouths which I had to endure both before and after those dear ones had passed. I once recently read that losing a relationship with those whom we’d erroneously believed to be near and dear to us, is just part of the process of protecting one’s character from being undermined, and with that said, I now believe a lost “friend” was never worth keeping. My words likely sound a bit radical, but after doing your own reflecting, you’ll no longer believe them to be. I recently told someone in passing, “In the German world, it is believed that if we leave this world with one true friend, we’ve left it a very rich person.” Now that’s something to think about.
I forgot to mention I did manage to get all those pears canned, so I’ll be loaded up with pears for the entire winter, and possibly longer. The black popcorn I planted and then harvested several weeks ago, has all been shelled and laid out to dry more fully. Several nights ago I did pop a small bowl of it, and believe it or not, it’s really quite good, but still needs its moisture level reduced by open-drying. It’s really not black, but more like a very dark purple, but once popped, it’s a bright white. My planting of it this year was just an experiment, so next year I’ll be ready for a bigger and healthier growing patch which I’ll harvest, dry and gift-away.
The news coming out of Ukraine regarding their onward-push to take back more of their territory, appears to be building in momentum. I wouldn’t be surprised if they take back the city of Kherson, along with possibly Crimea before hard winter arrives. I also read that they now believe 700K Russians have left Russia since Putin called for a mobilization. Talk about the greatest brain-drain in modern times!
Tonight’s One-liner is: I live to laugh, and I laugh to live.