WW Homestead Dairy

For a Monday, it wasn’t as busy as I’d expected, but with it being Columbus Day, I guess there were all the many who took off for a three day weekend. Since all the Federal offices and most of the banks were closed, there really wasn’t much else open other than those businesses that take advantage of every long hour they’re open.

I had a call from the Des Moines area this morning from a person wanting to drive up today and see 305 W. North St. in Manly. I was able to get it arranged, so we decided to meet at the home a little after 1:00 pm. It was a pleasant drive up considering it was a far cry better than yesterday.

I got up to Manly early enough to get all the lights on, and of course they were about 15 minutes late which was beginning to make me wonder if I was going to get stood up. The showing went well, but I wasn’t surprised it wasn’t a “fit” for a likely retired father and older son. When walking thru that home again today, I’m still convinced it’s target buyer is a young family with two or more children because it’s located on the right side of town, offers more than enough square footage, along with 2 baths, a double garage, and a huge yard which is all the more reason I consider it befitting a family with children.

There happened to arrive at my office this morning, a rather desperate young man saying he rented an apartment somewhere near the Downtown, and after he moved in, he discovered it was infested with bedbugs, and since he refused to live there, he’s been sleeping in his car until he can find another apartment. Just the thought of bedbugs sent shivers up my spine.

I asked him if he’d reported it to the owner along with the County Health Dept., and according to him, he did but they wouldn’t do anything about it. All I could do was encourage him to go to several other apartment rental agencies who mostly deal in apartments. He didn’t seem too hopeful, but there was nothing more I could do for him.

Now that the weather is getting colder, it’ll be that time again when people are looking for better living quarters before the snows arrive. Just these past several months, I’ve been noticing how tenants are becoming all the more indifferent towards taking care of their living quarters, and what concerns me, is knowing transient workers are taking up short term residence here in our City. I know for a fact that there’ve been those who’ve brought both bedbugs and cockroaches into housing units because they unknowingly picked them up in those cheap and unkempt motels they normally stay in while out working for weeks at a time, and the reason they look for the cheapest, is that they’re given housing stipends which they can double-dip on if they live on the cheap.

If I were a mouse in a corner, I’d likely be hearing some horror stories from those construction workers that are being sent out all over the country to do sub-contract work for several of our area’s big construction companies. I also know that being out all week, gives those workers all the more of an opportunity to get too much into the giggle water and then find themselves cozied up to those ladies of the night who like to prey on men who’re three sheets to the wind. As my grandmother used to say, “Absence doth make the eyes to wander.”

After tomorrow comes and goes, I’m hoping I’ll be able to get back out to 112 N. Crescent Drive and get its interior photos taken after the tenants are moved out. According to them, they’re supposed to be out tomorrow, but knowing how much stuff they have, I’d say they won’t be completely vacated until the weekend is over.

One of my dear clients shared a pamphlet from a locally owned dairy that’s located in Waukon, Iowa. I read the pamphlet, and then went online to their website. From what my client said, they have the most wonderful homemade ice cream. For sure, if any of you are looking for a pleasant day trip, click on the following link and have a look for yourselves. Waukon is south and east of Decorah, which is really not that far from here.

With the leaves turning, it’ll make an even more pleasant drive over. Whenever seeing a successful family-owned business in these times, I couldn’t be more delighted. Here’s the link: WW Homestead Dairy

The rest of my day was filled with setting up appointments for Realtors wanting to show some of my listings these coming days, returning emails, and doing a little putzing and tidying around my office until it was time to call it quits.

Tonight’s one-liner is: When red-haired people are above a certain social grade, their hair becomes auburn.

Joe Chodur

About the Author | Joe Chodur


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